Handmade Wooden Ships Manufacturing in Pakistan | Amazing Handmade Wooden Build Large Ships

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3 місяці тому

Handmade Wooden Ships Manufacturing in Pakistan | Amazing Handmade Wooden Build Large Ships
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@coldspring624 Місяць тому
Outstanding example of men working with the hand and mind to achieve good works as a whole
@PublicMixHardworking1 Місяць тому
Thanks ❤❤❤
@joetow4817 Місяць тому
Love it!! Men building things with out A.I. using their hands with no computer's .
@PublicMixHardworking1 23 дні тому
Good work
@JohnKailo-ly9vi 8 днів тому
What a home technology of Pakistan local people. I admire you..❤
@joetow4817 Місяць тому
A great work of art, What a beautiful site.
@PublicMixHardworking1 Місяць тому
Good work ❤❤❤
@GSteel-rh9iu Місяць тому
These are master shipbuilders at work; it is pretty much a lost art still being practiced in Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, coastal china!
@PublicMixHardworking1 23 дні тому
Best Contact a great video wooden ship models
@Timofey50 10 годин тому
Дружно работают, мужчины 👍
@melchurmoreau5677 Місяць тому
I know Pakistan is great at cricket but never knew how good they are in this type of work, that's great craftsmanship, hats off to the people who did that marvelous piece of work!!
@chapiit08 Місяць тому
Haven't seen anyone with a blueprint through the whole process. Hats off.
@leightonmacmillan3396 Місяць тому
What a beautiful work of craftmanship and skills. ANd guys look like they are tough as naiils!
@PublicMixHardworking1 Місяць тому
Very nice ❤❤❤❤
@zanelile8192 Місяць тому
The way they work with mother nature - in the selection of timber to use. Is great.
@robertberger8642 Місяць тому
What type of wood are they using? I’m not used to seeing wood that is so yellow.
@PublicMixHardworking1 23 дні тому
Good work
@bobinthewest Місяць тому
Looking like the Pakistani workers safety board inspectors were off duty that day
@PublicMixHardworking1 23 дні тому
Yes very nice ship thanks ❤
@aquaden8344 Місяць тому
It's interesting how they still work with simple tools and build their ships. Amazing is something different. The large battleships of the English or the Spanish armada that was amazing, but this here is simple improvised with the tools available to do a job as good as possible.
@PublicMixHardworking1 23 дні тому
Thanks to all ❤ amazing very nice ship
@MrHristoB 21 день тому
Good work lads. Just show this video to a Workplace Health and Safety inspector in Ireland. It will be an epic sight.. It's amazing how these lads still have all their 10 fingers and toes.
@kamarudinnorazzahdinaza2529 Місяць тому
9:40 traditional drill 👍🏻💪🏻
@PublicMixHardworking1 Місяць тому
@deserteagle7032 13 днів тому
This looks too beautiful to be a workboat. All that carvings.
@profiskipinternational4402 15 днів тому
I am deeply impressed. Living on a 63 year old wood-in-wood bulit gaff rigged 2-master (37 feet). Beautiful lines these ships. Lets have respect for all Mariners around the globe, we are all a big family. Shipwrights in every part of our planet, on every continent have learnt their skills from generation to generation, adapted their handcraftsmanship to the needs of the sailors, crews, captains and ship owners in the relevant sea areas. I always appreciated and will love maritime cultures in every part of our planet, where they still can build boats, without using one single steel nail or modern epoxy glue. I have not known about Pakistan as a boat building nation till this clip. So thanks for sharing. Would be interesting to learn more about.
@asa9ish Місяць тому
i see precius wood,and fine craftsmanship...
@DieterSchulzHoos 2 місяці тому
Wenn es mal hart auf hart kommt, benötigt man Menschen, die so etwas können. Bravo, bravo!
@PublicMixHardworking1 23 дні тому
Good work
@mikewong1434 Місяць тому
Superb video work.
@DiscoverManufacturing Місяць тому
Thank you so much 😀
@davidthompson4934 Місяць тому
Great skills. Great team work. Great results.
@dudleydoright2706 Місяць тому
This was once referred to as Master Ship Builders, a lost art.
@robertcarkeek8391 Місяць тому
beautiful !!!
@TuanNguyen-wl7fh 28 днів тому
Thuyền gỗ thợ giỏi đóng Rất đẹp thật tuyệt vời. Nha trang Việt nam đóng cũng đẹp. Nhưng ko bằng các Anh thợ này.
@PublicMixHardworking1 23 дні тому
Thanks to all family members ❤ Very very nice ship
@idahobob180 Місяць тому
Great shipwrights, wonder what kind of pension plan they have.
@bennyringstrom7765 Місяць тому
When the workers nearly works for free.😮amazing skills.
@Batman-wv5ng Місяць тому
I like safety shoes.
@reginabivona1282 28 днів тому
I like Safety period!!!!
@ferd.6779 3 місяці тому
Amazing craftsmanship and hard working people! respect also, what kind of wood is used, especially the yellow ?
@tuck6464 26 днів тому
Dudes no joke with that bow drill.
@PublicMixHardworking1 23 дні тому
Very very nice ship So Bountiful 🌹 love you
@michaelg6686 3 місяці тому
That looks like a Nice Party Boat. can't wait to see it on the water.
@user-pr3il4ot2e 2 місяці тому
Самое главное это не потерять чувака с ручным сверлом, потому что станет все пакистанское производство)))))
@danielhagger809 20 днів тому
brilliant tradesman,
@rickywallace98 3 місяці тому
Don't forget those toe protector hand made leather boots, But for sure first class Craftsman
@eymisomusicharmonyandsoul2442 2 місяці тому
Wow! So beautiful, Real people, creating art.
@saidifarid1128 2 місяці тому
كنت أتفكر في قول الله تعالى بشأن سفينة نوح هذا اليوم وأنا أسترجع في ذهني آية وحملناه على ذات ألواح ودسر . كنت أفكر لما عنى الله تعالى السفينة تلك بوصفها أنها من الألواح. أنا متأكد بأن قوم نوح كان يركبون سفن الفولاذ والحديد بسبب وصف الله لتلك السفينة تحديدا. لا أتصور أبدا أن نبي الله نوح عليه السلام كان يحتاج إلى الوحي حتى يتمكن من صنع تلك السفينة . أضن أنه كان بيه أهل زمانه وأعلمه بصنعة وأحذقهم. أعجبت كثيرا بهذا النشاط
@PublicMixHardworking1 23 дні тому
So Bountiful ❣️
@anthonyburke5656 День тому
In the late 1980s, I was travelling in Malaysia. In Moluccan, I wandered down by the riverside and was transfixed by the Malay craftsmen building Dhows and Junks, all wood hulls, but with large diesel engines as well as masts for sails (going by the ones anchored in the stream waiting repair). The wood was spectacular, I don’t know where they got it, but some of the balks would have been worth $6,000+- in the US. Obviously threatened tropical hardwood species AND Teak!
@peterpumkineater6872 18 днів тому
What is the cost of building such a fine vessel ??$
@darrenbeavers8099 20 днів тому
Never understood how they basically work barefoot man ive broke a toe or two in my time and it sux
@user-fz5ht3nw1s Місяць тому
15:50 шикарная дрель! Какие молодцы, такими совершенно примитивными инструментами делать такие шедевры кораблестроения! Да и не только. У них в Пакистане есть другие разные фабрики , где такими же примитивными инструментами они делают вполне достойные современные вещи. Только мне непонятно, почему Китай до сих пор не компенсировал их примитивный труд? Или он настолько дешев, что китайцам не интересно?
@waterboy8999 3 місяці тому
Im sure what the lack in accuracy they make up for in bilge pumps.
@peterbee162 18 днів тому
@user-jz3fd8qv9c 6 днів тому
Здравствуйте уважаемые. Рожден в г.Керчь, Крымская область, СССР. Очень часто помогал в строительстве лодок и катеров. Самостоятельно делал , с взрослыми каноэ и байдарки. Ремонтировали их в мастерских. Ремонтировали весельные лодки и ялы. В судомодельном кружке, участь в школе, делали модели. Набирали основания и обшивали наборы. Все производство, от начала до завершения создает восхищение в полном отсутствии Техники Безопасности, одежды и обуви, головных уборов. Отсутствие понимания полного о дисциплине труда и место-нахождения во время любого отделения в производстве. Как распиловки древесины - идеальное отсутствие всех норм Безопасности. Полное отсутствие спец.одежды. Полное отсутствие инструмента. Кто учил делать так набор основания судна ??? Где обработка дерева ??? Кто старший на производстве ? Кто учил делать так набор бортов из досок ??? Это что здесь показан - дурдом ? Извините за дерзость, но даже дети в Советском Союзе, занимаясь в кружках - судо-модельных ! - знали как сделать набор парусника и как делаеться набор из досок бортов. Какая обработка дерева. Что за страна здесь хвастается своими "произведениями"? Труд любой - почетен - если он соответствует необходимому итогу.
@ultimatefreedom6283 Місяць тому
I wonder if they can pull a detailed replica of an 18th Century sailing warship....
@user-vw4xs2xp9v 4 дні тому
이열 따봉 👍 😎
@Okrollins1 22 дні тому
Damn, what year is this? 500 BCE? Look at the tools they are using.
@chadsimmons6347 Місяць тому
How long does the ship last? Steel bolts rust out, wood worms need lunch, so (no-sail) LOL
@dennisneo1608 3 місяці тому
@avaandlilah8133 25 днів тому
Looks like one big splinter
@kensanity178 Місяць тому
Working barefoot in a boat with bolts sticking up everywhere ha got to make these guys as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
@Okrollins1 22 дні тому
I guess everyone will be working like this if rumpT gets reelected. 😂😂😂 Sandals not work boots, no protection for your eyes.
@simontaylor2319 Місяць тому
No music, no mobile phones......(if ever there was a killer)
@user-nb4ex5zk3w 5 днів тому
Most of the original huge forest trees of Europe and North America were cut down to build ships (and houses). I love the boats but I prefer trees.
@user-cu4ul9ky3x 2 місяці тому
Just saw this and what does it cost to build a boat like this?
@kamlando3089 3 місяці тому
What are these ships used for though? They look to ordimental to be used for fishing. Cargo/passenger?
@richardaraujo3492 3 місяці тому
I did a little research and found a Facebook page for them. Apparently they are used for fishing and cargo. I don't doubt some are bound to be yachts, though. Too awesome to not have one if you could afford it
@muhammadbabur7636 Місяць тому
Why some workers have electric chainsaw and drill while others dont? do they have to bring their own tools?
@cuttersgoose 15 днів тому
What wood is fluorescent yellow?
@user-zr7td2ro2q 2 місяці тому
Excelente trabajo . Los felicito desde aca de Brasil ❤❤❤❤❤💫💫💫💫💫👋👋👋👋👋🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@WiltonSilveira 2 місяці тому
Brasil? Escrevendo em espanhol?😒🤔
@SkyPilot54 Місяць тому
Some modern techniques would go along way ,
@elvisoshaughnessy4109 3 місяці тому
Thats weird a guy wearing slippers with socks on a building boats site😮
@chotibaby. 3 місяці тому
Poor labour I guess
@reginabivona1282 28 днів тому
I did see one person with dress shoes on!!
@psidvicious 2 місяці тому
And these people have nukes?
@mary74724 9 днів тому
@boboala1 23 дні тому
A great video, and reminder of how important lithium ion battery tech (sans EMP event) is to ship building! NOT!
@billreid9021 2 місяці тому
what wood are they using?
@flost8202 2 місяці тому
how much does such a boat cost?
@AFFYJAMBO Місяць тому
Not in your budget 😂
@stewartbrands Місяць тому
What is the selling price when finished?
@rbrsarder4629 2 місяці тому
Good job
@hamzahsepawi5092 2 місяці тому
...... agik pakai alat penebuk lama dan perkekas lama dlm era moden .... sep;atutnya orang now semua tukang kapal pakai alat penebuk moden dan alat yg canggih ..... kerja laGI cepat dan kemas .....
@thosoz3431 Місяць тому
Iron men building wooden boats.
@mas_dem 2 місяці тому
Mantap kapalnya
@williamsharp7224 2 місяці тому
Back in the Stone Age
@chotibaby. 3 місяці тому
Amazing work, where are these sold? Would be good to see 1 sailing
@kailashbrahmaloka908 2 місяці тому
@GoPoundSalt 17 днів тому
اوسط قیمت؟
@Mr_P_Howells 3 місяці тому
what do you do with all the temporary drill holes you make for the braces? I see where the internal ribs are bolted in a nice straight line and sealed.
@sharkamov 2 місяці тому
ماہر کشتی بنانے والے!!! یہ پاکستان میں کہاں ہیں؟ ناروے کی طرف سے سلام اور نیک خواہشات!🙏
@ianrees3231 24 дні тому
they should build our next aircraft carrier
@user-jy8mo5fi5q Місяць тому
Wooden boats consume large quantities of timber but the construction of this boat if very flimsy, there should be at least double the number of frames and those present really are not strong enough. This boat would smash itself to bits in a rough sea. For an example in the days when Britain built wooden ships they were double planked, with soft wood planking laid down first with oak planking on top giving a thickness of at least 5 or 6 inches.
@AnthonyHigham6414001080 19 днів тому
Did you watch it till the end? They do the planking first then add the frames. Look at 39:00 minutes in. Check out the deck caulking technique at 49:00 minutes.
@user-zr7td2ro2q 2 місяці тому
Esta excelente parabéns. ❤❤❤❤❤❤💫💫💫💫💫👋👋👋👋👋👋🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@PublicMixHardworking1 Місяць тому
@user-gc7us7rw6g 3 місяці тому
@Batman-wv5ng Місяць тому
No much precious in boat yard .
@antoniokavkaz 3 місяці тому
Расскажите этим рабочим о социализме!
@tuck6464 26 днів тому
C&C bandsaw Camir & Chabuk
@SuperLoveislam1 3 місяці тому
What kind of wood is that?
@nnasab 25 днів тому
What is the life span of this kind of boats?
@woody_fromda6ix206 2 місяці тому
i wonder if these guys know if they did this type of work in a Western country they would easily make $25-$35 an hour lets say they make $30 an hour 8hour work day 5 days a week they would make $1200 a week $4800 a month i wonder how much they make in Pakistan
@user-nq7gv6fn5g 2 місяці тому
@PublicMixHardworking1 Місяць тому
Good work ❤❤❤❤
@peterpumkineater6872 18 днів тому
Do the cleats attached to the inside of hull stay there forever ??
@peterpumkineater6872 18 днів тому
Upon reflection, they all become part of the boat
@sicks6six 3 місяці тому
back in the day boats like these were made with no metal fixings, no bolts, screws, nails, nothing, they were joined by interlocking joints and wooden dowels like you see on youtube when people make coffee tables with clever joints to hold it all together, when they were finished they filled the boats up with water and that expanded the wood and it became watertight, when it stopped leaking out water it was seaworthy and they removed the drain plug and launched it, that would be great to see now, building a boat with no metal fixings the old way, back then no power tools, but today that's OK. . .
@perstaffanlundgren 2 місяці тому
Very long time ago mayby, the ships in Egypt was built with smooth planked hulls and had wood dovetail joint between the planks, and ribbing tied to the with ropes , the hulls where sealed with thick paint, mayby natural bitumen. Using metal for building ships becomes a thing already during during the iron age , wiking ships where riveted with iron rivets. Yes there where also wooden Fasteners in the hulls, and they obviously tried to minimize iron components where possible. Even today wooden dowels is alowed when building wooden ships. The all wood boat builds where small boats mostly, regarding sealing the cracks joints smooth skinned ships had to be sealed by jaming textile fibers ( hemp/ cotton linnen) or animal hair between the planks then tared over . Stacked hulls on smaller boats can be water proof without between plank sealing, if they get to swell / be wetted up before launching. The Vikings used animal between the planks .
@eddye.2358 Місяць тому
I cannot see any protection of the wooden hull against infestation by borers. The hull will last a maximum of 3-4 years. Then the worms (Teredo navalis to be precise) will have destroyed it. The lack of precision in construction is then compensated for by bilge pumps.
@tuck6464 26 днів тому
It gets 3 layers of biax, and custom color gelcoat.
@PublicMixHardworking1 23 дні тому
Good work best Contact 🌹 Wooden Ship Manufacturing
@PublicMixHardworking1 23 дні тому
​@@tuck6464 Amazing very nice ship ❤ So Bountiful 🌹
@dreadpirateCarlos 9 днів тому
That boat better have some kickass bilge pumps!
@beek014 3 місяці тому
no rudder?
@maakamakana7007 21 день тому
How much for a finished boat??
@amezcuaist 2 місяці тому
What happens to all the nuts and bolts and wooden blocks and the holes they drilled ? They missed out that bit .
@perstaffanlundgren 2 місяці тому
They seems to put the ribbing where the clamps ties where and reuse the bolt holes for the nails that are used to secure the planks to the ribbing. Any of holes are probably filled with a wood peg . They build the ship with a hybrid process between a smooth skin and a stacked hull: using temporary templates and then puting in ribbing is how stacked skinned boats are built. Smooth skinned boats are usely ribbed first , then skinned. My observation here is that the hull planks are quite thin, and the ribbing is made with small distance between the ribs. When wodden ships are built in Europe this kind of zice of ship would require at least 2 3/4" (60 mm) planking where it is thinnest and mayby 3 1/2" - 3 3/4 (80 -90 mm) At the vertical sides to be insureable/ Certified.
@salmanskippy 2 місяці тому
It doesn't look like they used stainless steel nuts n bolts to hold it together. Not treated metal bolts will be dissolved in no time in salty waters.
@PublicMixHardworking1 Місяць тому
Thanks to all family members ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
@tuck6464 26 днів тому
How much for a 110' Pow Muck layout ?
@YESITSWILL Місяць тому
What did they use for sealant and water proofing, I didn't see that part.?
@zmdoor Місяць тому
42:23 expanding foam and caulke the seams, total cluster f*k
@PietScheffer 29 днів тому
No doubt about the craftsmanship of these people who work for a pittance, but why is it always a mess everywhere in the videos from these regions... It is just noticeable that the environment in all these videos is a plain garbage dump and they just wait until a rain storm washes the mess into the ocean.....will they never learn that this is the garbage that is pollutin our oceans.
@thuytan4373 Місяць тому
Nuoc nao z ban
@tomaszjaworski4427 2 місяці тому
ile tam jest śmieci, dziwi mnie to , że nie brzydzi ich ten syf.
@rxkingsparkshortvideo 27 днів тому
Is this same boar that used by rohingga refugees ?
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