Codeforces/CSES live coding
9 місяців тому
CF 745 Screencast
2 роки тому
Codeforces Deltix (Div. 1+2) Screencast
Codeforces 722 Screencast (back to LGM!)
Codeforces 718 (Div. 1 + 2)
3 роки тому
(4th place) Leetcode Biweekly 44
Codechef Nov Lunchtime Screencast
Codeforces Round 684, no commentary
Codeforces Round 683 (7th place)
Codeforces Raif Round 1 Screencast
Codeforces Global Round 11 Screencast
Codeforces Grakn Round Screencast
Codeforces #673 Screencast (6th place)
Codechef Sep Lunchtime Screencast
Topcoder Open Round 4 Screencast
@mmkamron 10 днів тому
Very useful stream, dziękuję!
@themodfather9382 24 дні тому
239wpm is my record. 95% accuracy
@Shinfu01 Місяць тому
When you've reached a point that you understand everything and start stressing about things that you can only understand.
@CHRISTO_1001 Місяць тому
@xbz24 Місяць тому
Is it me or emplace_back was nicer to avoid calling copy constructor 17:20
@xbz24 Місяць тому
What about binary search overflow by using mid = L+R /2 formula instead of R-L
@HimanshuSingh-jq7yg Місяць тому
@hossamahmed4936 2 місяці тому
I tried to join the discord server but I got expired invitation message
@user-nm7vt5bg4y 2 місяці тому
Your video is useless. Even in full screen I cannot see what you are doing - fonts are too small and too fuzzy. Also, STOP mumbling as I cannot understand what you are mumbling about.
@franly656 2 місяці тому
in teory, binary search is simple, but when im trying to solve binary search problem, i absolute don't know how to implement the teory, and i found this video.
@user-pi2zd4xj8z 2 місяці тому
I finished all 3 b2back, binary lifting, rmq and segment trees, i feel powdered
@user-pi2zd4xj8z 2 місяці тому
Watching in 2024, still as refreshing.❤
@BGOPC 2 місяці тому
Man I miss this guy, wish he restarts
@user-pi2zd4xj8z 2 місяці тому
Does it required to understand how the dp array grows on every call?
@alexander6233 2 місяці тому 3 years ago Errichto said that Machine Learning cannot solve problems like that and we are at least 10 years away from it. Meantime ChatGPT solves this problem beautifully.
@ahmadbodayr7203 3 місяці тому
read about islam man❤
@kushmazumdar2800 3 місяці тому
Can you please make a video on centroid decomposition
@MBXD001 3 місяці тому
Do you think there is a problem on codeforces that you cannot solve ? and how many problems have you solved on codeforces ?
@paragggoyal1552 4 місяці тому
wow great implementation of gaussian, i never knew thanks.
@kushmazumdar2800 4 місяці тому
Can you please do a video on centroid decomposition and solve some problems on it ?
@Sk-uq5tv 4 місяці тому
How to add div-2 like scoring system in gym mashup i.e. penalties
@m.e.t.a.l3125 4 місяці тому
my name is patrick bateman
@mystic3549 4 місяці тому
and like everything feels so concrete after you claim a thing :) with other teachers there is still a 1% of doubt left in mind if they claim something which is not that easily acceptable even if its correct..but when you claim something, my mind refuses any intent of not believing it automatically and can so easily accept and trust you
@mystic3549 4 місяці тому
there is a whole different vibe studying from you :) grateful for people like you who contribute sm to the community after acing a particular skill... _/\_ orz SIR
@klevisimeri607 4 місяці тому
Thank you!
@dragonhot6951 4 місяці тому
they all seems in there late 20's or 30's and there CF says they are doing it from more than decade .They are GOD Man and ,Radewoosh looks like Klaus Mikaleson
@dragonhot6951 4 місяці тому
legends brain fight ohh WOW
@sagargoyal2063 5 місяців тому
Can anyone please tell which software is he using for the notes?
@jeffreyh.1436 2 місяці тому
Microsoft OneNote
@kasiruyamagata7716 5 місяців тому
I felt like watching Oppenheimer Cs version
@mahamfatima6117 5 місяців тому
While you are checking collinear What if the line segment 1 is (3,4) - (5,7) And line segment 2 is (-2,-1) - (2,3)
@blitztage3245 5 місяців тому
oh mr richto back again?
@ArvNor_Edits 5 місяців тому
We need more content like this
@gotorush5721 5 місяців тому
Hes back
@coder389 5 місяців тому
welcome back 😁
@DharmanandBhatt-ff3qp 5 місяців тому
Erricto please create some videos on graphs and tree in basic level please
@KumarShanoo 5 місяців тому
Great to see u again ❤
@notlinuxneverdies5846 5 місяців тому
errichto comeback ?
@atharvbhagya4317 5 місяців тому
Why dont icpc get non Chinese companies to sponsor them like meta, or may be nvidia.
@redfordkobayashi6936 5 місяців тому
You solve problems faster than I can read lol. Where do you work?
@sus_tha_coder 5 місяців тому
will u be resuming coding streams ?
@debashish_bera 5 місяців тому
Bro is talking to himself
@tanchienhao 5 місяців тому
Awesome video!
@RohitSharma-gk9wd 5 місяців тому
adding timestamps can make it good @errichto thank you for such content <3
@bitsnation1578 6 місяців тому
LAST TEST CASE FAILED PLEASE REVIEW IS THERE ANYTHING WRONG?? CSES Problem Set Point in Polygon #include <iostream> using namespace std; #include <vector> #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define ll long long ll orientation(pair<ll,ll>a,pair<ll,ll>b,pair<ll,ll>c){ ll x1=a.first; ll y1=a.second; ll x2=b.first; ll y2=b.second; ll x3=c.first; ll y3=c.second; ll sigma=(y2-y1)*(x3-x2)-(y3-y2)*(x2-x1); if(sigma==0)return 0; else if(sigma<0)return 1; return 2; } bool onSegment(pair<ll,ll> a, pair<ll,ll> b, pair<ll,ll> c){ if ((c.first >= min(a.first, b.first) && c.first <= max(a.first, b.first)) && (c.second >= min(a.second, b.second) && c.second <= max(a.second, b.second))) { return true; } return false; } bool intersects(pair<ll,ll>a,pair<ll,ll>b,pair<ll,ll>c,pair<ll,ll>d){ ll d1=orientation(a,b,c); ll d2=orientation(a,b,d); ll d3=orientation(c,d,a); ll d4=orientation(c,d,b); if(d1!=d2&&d3!=d4)return true; return false; } void solve(){ ll n,m; cin>>n>>m; vector<pair<ll,ll>>vertices; for(ll i=0;i<n;i++){ ll a,b; cin>>a>>b; vertices.push_back({a,b}); } vector<pair<ll,ll>>points; for(ll i=0;i<m;i++){ ll a,b; cin>>a>>b; points.push_back({a,b}); } for(auto currPoint:points){ pair<ll,ll>endpoint=make_pair(INT_MAX,INT_MAX+1ll); ll cntIntersect=0; bool boundary=false; for(ll i=0;i<n;++i){ pair<ll,ll>a=vertices[i]; pair<ll,ll>b=vertices[(i+1)%n]; if(orientation(a,b,currPoint)==0&&onSegment(a,b,currPoint)){ boundary=true; break; } if(intersects(a,b,currPoint,endpoint)){ cntIntersect++; } } if(boundary){ cout<<"BOUNDARY"<<endl; } else if((cntIntersect%2)==0){ cout<<"OUTSIDE"<<endl; } else cout<<"INSIDE"<<endl; } return; } int main(){ solve(); return 0; }
@abhaypatel54321 6 місяців тому
They both are op
@uddiptakalita3006 6 місяців тому
2:34:12 Another way to implement convex hull
@madhavbhatia7844 6 місяців тому
why do you use gen.cpp ?
@mdraihan9273 6 місяців тому
@user-wt3hq9we3w 7 місяців тому
Hi! Kindly asking for uploads on IOI 2023 lectures
@slayers2966 7 місяців тому
Ur code will fail if u will be asked to update some node to -1.