Everything GREAT About The Marvels!
True Detective's Rust Problem
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@Tigerbalmpanties 14 годин тому
@cinemawins you've grown to be soooo cringey it's gross
@--Frog-- 15 годин тому
The music in the beginning? It's "Run, rabbit, run"! A story about the Hunter and the Prey? Genius...
@bismuth7398 15 годин тому
11:39 I know what you're trying to do here, but two words: blast lung.
@ethansoprych4798 15 годин тому
She’s not trans she’s just pretending to be male to get revenge
@departure696 16 годин тому
4:50 I think the most interesting part of inverted pain would be that it build, and build, and build until you hit that point of extreme pain and then it's gone
17 годин тому
3:56 thats actually master ox
@VampireSexGoddess 21 годину тому
Okay, now for The Mummy Returns. The amount of times TV cuts out Evie pulling Rick out of the way of gunshots on the boat, so you only see a hand grab him. Also, when Rick & Ardeth are digging through rocks, as Jonathan is giving them orders, you can hear his Irish accent come through.
@theguy2537 21 годину тому
11:58 is that the delirium sound effect???
@Battleship-geek 22 години тому
Doesn't ni shen me I si mean what do you mean? not what are you saying?
@lelandmaupin1096 22 години тому
The Iron Cross was WW 1, Nazis were WW 2.
@streakermaximus 23 години тому
As a teenager I remember hating Carmen and being Team Dizzy all the way.
@randallbesch2424 23 години тому
To give a clue that the creators of the park are off to a bad start he called it "Jurassic Park" instead of "Mesozoic Park" which would have been correct.
@Flamincactus День тому
In the real world a human raising a chimp ends in disaster. I think most people are aware of Travis the chimp.
@mindyg7064 День тому
'Dinki-Di' is NOT a made-up name! It's an Australian saying and it's pronounced 'dinky-die'. It means authentically Aussie, like bona fide, but exclusive to our culture. Things in the 80s and 90s were advertised as 'dinky-di' like America would promote 'Made in the good ol' U. S. A'.
@SDS2017 День тому
I think a good way to think about the MAD MAX timeline is that they’re mere Legends of the Wasteland told by those who were influenced and or saved by Max and with every continuity error being the Story Teller(s) getting some details wrong.
@johnnythewalrus День тому
4:20 alright...so here we go...I find it quite ironic that many people have made the observation about Grant using 2 female seat belt ends together to "find a way." The problem is that if you did this in real life and had an accident, it would offer zero protection, and would end in disaster. Much like in the movie where the dinosaurs "find a way" that also ends in disaster. Just sayin.
@johnnythewalrus День тому
3:55 I still don't get it. Don't get me wrong, Jeff's nothing to sneeze at, but he's no Kurt Russell or Thomas Mapother.
@vrwallflower613 День тому
Love this movie! also did anyone else catch the Hot Fuzz reference?
@seiban8455 День тому
I totally get why people think Mad Max (the first one in the franchise) is a boring movie, it is, but that's what I find most fascinating about it. Let me fill you in on what's good about it so you can go on ignoring it. It's not post apocalyptic like the other max films. Society is fine? Its scuffed and going downhill rapidly, but you don't see that in the set design. It's all green hills and rural highways, shit you could see today, slightly dusty at worst, far from a wasteland. You see it in the characters instead of the landscape. They know their world is going to shit, even if it doesn't look like it right now. A major thing people saw interesting in The Last of Us, the game and the show I guess, is that it's one of the very few works of zombie media that show the exact moments everything goes to shit in detail. It's hard to show society actually collapsing, it's very complicated, and hard to imagine exactly how a scenario like the present tense fall of civilization would look. Harder still to portray this. It's much the same with a pre-post-apocalyptic film like Mad Max trying to show the world falling in front of you. It's a bit hard to parse what is going on and why everything's so strange in the first MM film, but the reasons are clear if you consider the ramifications of everything going down hill. The madness is collective, a few people lose their shit, then most people lose their shit, than everyone loses their shit. It's kind of like what happened to the USA before and during the pandemic. Here you see characters acting as though they're in a post apocalyptic lawless land before that time is truly here. People don't wait for the end of the world to act as though it's the end of the world. It's why everyone runs around in road leathers or BDSM gear. Who fucking cares? The world's dying. This is the film where the line "As the world fell, each of us, in our own way was broken" from the introduction to Fury Road is being explored slowly and carefully. It's the soul of Mad Max 1 despite the quote having come long after Mad Max 1. More than being a good summary of the background, I don't understand why this line is better than anything in Mad Max 1, and perfect as an introduction to Mad Max 1, but is not in Max Max 1. It's like missed potential latent in MM1 being realized years later. This is on top of Fury Road rocking shit and being as rare as rocking shit. Despite the strangeness, this makes Fury Road and the Mad Max franchise even fucking cooler. There's either gimmicks time delayed for decades, or a writing team that understood the franchise they were working in so well they could make a film they weren't going to touch in any way and actively bring it to greater heights than it ever had before. With one line of exposition. Combine that with the series' flirtations with Max as a mythical entity, or at least a character with a fuzzy continuity by nature, and you have a wonderfully mysterious and outlandish post apocalyptic franchise fully fully fucking developed and realized. Pre apocalypse, post apocalypse, more post apocalypse, escalating and escalating endlessly, this setting explored deeply with an ever growing cast of beloved and, recently, very nuanced cast characters. Characters that bear the weight of the world, that suffer it, and make the world feel real for it, despite how outlandish and exaggerated it is. To finish, Mad Max is a unique franchise. Unique amongst Post Apocalyptic franchises, even in a world where Mad Max itself set the standard for what the post apocalypse would look like going forward. Aesthetically, Mad Max is one of the more influential franchises in existence. Usually, for the properties that have this effect on the culture around them, they are buried by their own influence. Made mediocre and over simple by being the first iteration of everything to come after it. A victim of its own success. This could've been the fate of Mad Max. A mediocre franchise, forgotten, and buried by its children. I'm damn glad that hasn't come to pass. "But wait" you ask. "Why are you only talking about Mad Max and Fury Road, not Mad Max 2? This is a Mad Max 2 video after all." The answer is that Mad Max 1 and Fury Road buried this film like the franchise would've been buried itself. The true price of obscurity for the MM franchise victory was paid by MM2. Get fucked good movie.
@user-dr2yz8um3d День тому
Star Trek (2009) is 15 years old! I remember seeing it with my sister Cara opening weekend My late father really liked it on dvd too There’s so many great action scenes of the space battles, lots of callbacks and inside references to the franchise, the acting is amazing from everyone involved bringing the characters to life, and a great amount of laughs JJ Abrams and the writers have even made their own ways of using time travel, alternate realities, and rewriting history This definitely came as a shock to many since the filmmakers took a big risk by resetting the timeline making so many changes, in a way the older movies happened but this is the Enterprise Crew going on a different path than what they were originally intended giving them modern sensibilities and “human” desires bringing enough steamy friction All the actors perfectly bring these characters we know and love to life in a new fashion Michael Giacchino’s score can be very bombastic at times, like really scale it back a bit plus the movie does slow down a lot during the middle Still it provides great visuals, surefire thrills, a well-made fun adventure, and paved the way for many of these actors making $385.7 million worldwide even winning an Oscar for best makeup It doesn’t alienate casual viewers while still catering to the hardcore fans And it’s incredible this got made the way it did considering Hollywood was suffering another writers strike almost halting production Abrams and writers Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman manage to successfully reboot this series creating the kind of popcorn excitement you’d expect; they even remind the audience that heroes still bleed, they also love but also make mistakes It delivers almost everything you want in a summer movie while also respecting the franchise that has endured for over 60 years This is the movie that made me a bonafide Trekkie for life! Most would argue it might even be better than Wrath of Khan
@solrachernandez3389 День тому
There's actually a way to explain the ending of this movie. Basically there are two timelines one where the crew end up on this mysterious planet and the other where they return to Earth and the apes rise up. The biggest way this is explained is the urn that contains the gun. That was the same gun that Walbergs character gets from his pod that meand there was a version of him that ended up on the planet with the crew and was killed along with that crew. If you think about it that actually makes some level of sense we have no idea what the anomaly in space does so it's very likely
@nazgarcia4856 День тому
Do you think the leather bracelet was deliberate for the Medjay tattoo in the second film or just a happy coincidence that they exploiter¿d?
@Shadow1Yaz День тому
Some people ask why JJ didn’t spit out blood when it accidentally nickled Otis in the eye, it’s cuz of the fake horse it ate before. It’s either preventing a sphincter from fully closing or had damaged that sphincter, causing it to close fully. Biological food yields and breaks. That fake horse appears to have completely fail to even dent. Imagine swallowing a Lego. My esophagus wouldn’t be on best behaviour.
@Deevo037 День тому
Great that you included the story about the dog, he was literally spared from death row by the producers of the film.
@sleepylionking1103 День тому
I know it’s unethical to clone Dinos but WHYYY THOOOOO!!! They got killed by meteors and they’re cute I just want them to vibe :( “Humans and dinos can’t coexist” COPE I love them sm. I know that’s stupid and I don’t care I love them and this was mean to be a stupid thought.
@christianresel8051 День тому
"You cant safe him mr. frodo" YEaaa... frodo aint tanjirou, but you where XD Also it was actualy FIVE FRELLING MINUTES that basicaly ENDED Ume's and her brothers life in that battle... if he would have snapped back to his MERCYFULL SELF sooner he could have EASILY safed both! Despite "eating menflesh even once makes you irredeamable" wich doesnt exist. If Vader could be safed, so does anyone else.
@NerdHerdForLife День тому
Mad Max 1 wasn't bad but now that I've seen it, there's no real reason to ever watch it again. Mad Max 2 is absolutely amazing and will always come back to it. Thunderdome is... Fine. I'll probably watch it again sometime. And Fury Road is also amazing, I'll probably watch it yearly.
@maxskullic9879 День тому
I watched this movie as a 5yo kid so many times the tape broke! It is why I am the way I am, I dress like "Cowboy Mad Max" every time I get dressed and I've been a "Road Warrior" my whole life. I drove a soupped up police car, saved life and limb and disappeared before anyone could even tell me "thanks" .... My name isn't Hero, yet I Answered when it is called!
@FubukiTheIcyKing День тому
It's actually a really good film (actually saw this at the local military base premier when Will Smith came down to honor soldiers). Saw it with my family and enjoyed it.
@wingedfish1175 День тому
8:42 I get your point but also it's the grandma like unequivocal
@albertgarcia8562 День тому
Also it is quite amusing that miles cares about the Mona Lisa because the only reason why the Mona Lisa is regarded now as a famous masterpiece because it has been stolen on four different occasions and as well has a scam named after it as well
@SunbaeDan День тому
21:55 What part of: "He is a man of focus, sheer f@$king will..." did you not understand?
@Thelost_samuri День тому
Starscream played both sides he was a despeptacon then moved over to the autobots so basically he was a traitor
@dextokuyasu День тому
After Endgame, seeing Peggy’s slip into dementia and say “you’re alive, you came back!” makes me now think it was when he travelled back in time to be with her, and she’s back in that moment.
@HobGungan День тому
I remember this movie came out when I was 11, and I watched it at home with supervision for the first time. That first viewing, when Neil Patrick Harris says with joy "It's Afraid!" at the end, that's when it clicked for me that the humans were very much NOT the good guys this whole time.
@Karkin281 День тому
It's funny that most of the things CinemaWins is winning would be sinned by his Sins counterpart
@steph9950 День тому
I am gonna tatoo of Chris hemsworth in furiosa in spain in August
@westsideeazy_e6780 День тому
Man after watching this and listening to you explain black widow really got me feeling for her almost got me tearing up
@Skippyzor День тому
my hope for the next movie is that the TRUE madam web (not the recent MSheU version) shows up and kicks Miguels butt. I have a slight argument on the "cannon" events. it is a multiverse meaning that every possible path is taken. This means that not all spider people go through the same things. I think Miguel specifically collected these spider people BECAUSE their cannons aligned making it easier to control them for lack of a better word. Lastly saying that the loss that Gwen and Miles have suffered doesnt count is simply short sighted. Gwen and Miles are on their own path simple as that.
@ThailandRepublicball2378 День тому
12:36 no not the lettuce 🥬🥗 💀
@firstorderball821 День тому
rachel weisz is so beautiful in this film.
@jeffreymacintyre2711 День тому
I had a huge crush on Laura Dern in this movie! ❤❤❤
@hwelp День тому
Do hardcore henry.
@user-ro1kl8dd2v День тому
@CiinSeRe День тому
My only problem with this video is your hottie count was off. I counted at least 3 move hotties you didn’t count.
@CamelliaAoi День тому
Bi awakening: the movie
@casseroledragon3277 День тому
That was a Sailor Moon moment, not Spiderman ❤
@nonegone7170 День тому
Special FX need blurring now? What the hell UKposts.
@timheinrich3752 День тому
"The movie is awful." but you made a video on The Marvels....................
@grantbaugh2773 День тому
You're absolutely right about how the premise for this movie is, frankly, stupid, yet somehow they make it not just work but blow it out of the water. We knew the other spider-men were gonna be in it but I didn't guess how amazing it would actually be. I expected little more than a cameo before the final fight but instead we got so much. And watching Garfield catch MJ, my heart breaks.