Varys - A Character Study
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Why not give the ring to Gimli?
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Where do orcs go when they die?
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Why not send the ring to Valinor?
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Why not throw the Ring into the Sea?
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@Jonathan-bu7iv 7 хвилин тому
Why would any human be a spy for Sauron? Like, did they have secret meetings with orcs to talk this through? Were they promised a bunch of shit for their service? Sauron had been ”dead” for a long time and by all accounts, for basically every race, this was waaaay better than the alternative.
@DenverStarkey 12 хвилин тому
it's simple. the movie didnt give you the time that passed ,,, bilbo gave the ring up some 20 years before frodo set off on his quest. at that time sauron was not powerful enough to sense the ring bearer. see at bibo's b-day bilbo was 111 and frodo was only 22 , frodo didnt'set off on his quest till he was 44. when biblo left frodo with the ring , gandalf didn't know what ring it was yet still. he just knew it was a powerful ring. he left ot go research what ring it was , by the movie you';d think he just took a week or tow to wlak to a library and bam had his answer. but no in th3e novel it was 20 year journey for gandalf to figure out and verify that the ring was the master ring of sauron.
@colepreston4872 32 хвилини тому
The red shirt of Sauron’s army That’s the best description Ever
@jackdavis855 47 хвилин тому
As usual very interesting thanks! Keep the LOTR content coming!
@mrx2817 49 хвилин тому
I thought it was goblins in Moria?
@Ford_prefect_42 Годину тому
Red shirts of saurons army 🤣🤣 i love you
@amandae5165 Годину тому
I LOVE this channel!!!
@therealzilch Годину тому
Sometimes I think that the surviving orcs went into politics. Nice work as usual. I'm reminded of the classic 1971 novel _Grendel_ by John Gardner, which tells the tale of Beowulf from the monster's point of view.
@aaronhuff2813 Годину тому
I Always assumed they were the spirits of those killed by Nazgul. So yes in a way animated by ring magic.
@Mallarkey 2 години тому
"Who knows when the last orc fell..." Who knows IF the last orc fell? I'm sure I can still spot traces of their bloodline even now in the 7th Age. (7th? Is that right?)
@alejandropastor96 2 години тому
that's how you make Dagon and the Deep Ones OP
@Lucius_Chiaraviglio 2 години тому
Sounds like Alliance forces must have done a very thorough job of hunting down all of the Orcs after the end of the war -- you'd think they would have missed a few spots . . . .
@windsaw151 2 години тому
Have we ever given a hint that the orcs of the Misty Mountains were in any way under the control of Sauron? People always seem to assume that, but I think there is no evidence besides the assumption that "They are orcs, aren't they? So they must be under his control." I always assumed that the presence of the Balrog blocked his influence. Also: They were far from Mordor for millenia and mostly surrounded by force hostile to them. None of the wars they have waged seem to be in any way coordinated events, they were just instigated by local warlords when given an outside opportunity. The only period where they could have been under Saurons direct influence may have been the north of the Misty Mountains during the Witch King's rule in Angmar. But even here I don't recall that his forces included orcs. It seems to me they were not part of his plans.
@1FATBOY114 2 години тому
The Faceless men killed the Fire Mages after that it was just a matter of time.
@daniell1483 3 години тому
It is worth noting that no, Barbary Dustin was not checking the Winterfell crypt for Ned's bones. She went there to look upon Brandon's tomb; she clearly loved him, and he seems to have loved her as well, never wanting Brandon's arranged marriage to Catelyn Tully to break their relationship, but Brandon died before the marriage could be made. The whole scene of Dustin visiting Brandon's crypt is a parallel to Robert's own visit to Lyanna's crypt early in the story. And it is worth noting that even when they were down in the crypts, nobody ever went looking around for bones or any of that nonsense.
@mokeish 3 години тому
The orcs of Moria were sent to Moria by Sauron.
@ForeverWog 3 години тому
With the death of Bernard Hill, I’d love a deep dive into the story of Theoden.
@ForeverWog 3 години тому
Got to give it to the orcs in the movie; the last time we saw that many extras die repeatedly in battle was in the Sharpe series.
@daniell1483 3 години тому
I can't help but feel kind of sorry for the orcs. Many were cruel and evil, but many seemed to desire a normal life. The orcs from Moria, because they'd been without Sauron's dark guidance for so long, seemed the most independent. It is strange to think, but many orcs probably thought they were the good guys and didn't understand why all their efforts turned to dust and ruin.
@_-7584 3 години тому
@Stevoman123 3 години тому
This man has possibly the most soothing voice on the planet. I’d listen the fuck out of the LOTR books read by this man.
@refje1 3 години тому
Did Sauron not send an army into Moria? I seem to recall something like that.
@UnleashthePhury 4 години тому
Orc: No matter who wins, we lose.
@AlexB-vt5xe 4 години тому
Did the Orcs exist before Sauron sort of as independent people until he corrupted them? I always thought the Orcs were Sauron's creation
@Thick.Mothers64 4 години тому
To Detroit
@metal--babble346 4 години тому
Frodo never killed, he was pure of heart. Only evil murderers like Golum & Bilbo can hide "my precious". Who did Bilbo shank ??
@isvvc_ 4 години тому
Now we're getting into the nitty gritty
@joerosenman3480 4 години тому
@pillepolle3122 5 годин тому
Lotr from the rings perspective please
@T.GLongstaff 5 годин тому
Video idea: Did orcs even know how powerful the ring was? Like did the average orc know their master was explicitly linked to a ring?
@earthknight60 5 годин тому
The 1999 book, *The Last Ringbearer* by Kirill Yeskov, addresses this exact question. It is a non-canon look at the end of LoTR and what happens afterward from the perspective of one of the orcs, which in this interpretation is a racial slur, not a term to refer to a seperate type of race.
@phantomjoker5 6 годин тому
@penjelajahaspal2581 6 годин тому
Russian Conscription : 💀
@bogbastard4243 6 годин тому
you throw ring into ocean, invisible shark, the whole world is fucked
@justin9744 6 годин тому
This UKposts is so overly dramatic and it’s annoying.
@RetroJack 6 годин тому
I'd love to see your video on orc culture!
@JWlittleredd 6 годин тому
I just noticed all your thumbnails are color coded; nice touch!
@TheUncleRuckus 6 годин тому
@10:20 Everytime I see this Orc with its crippled little hand and disfigured face I can't help but laugh my ass off as it is meant to be that low life scumbag Harvey Weinstein. 🤣🤣🤣 You know you're a huge POS when the filmmakers of a movie you once held the rights to decided to create a brand new character and make him as grotesque as possible and secretly base it off you. 😂
@terrylewis7414 6 годин тому
Didn't frodo use a barrow sord on one of the black riders ? Seems to have left that out
@ToothpikcOriginal 6 годин тому
Thanks for the video :) Still got my fingers crossed for a video on the life of Fingolfin someday
@jasongarn2112 6 годин тому
They just look for the whip and know that is the way.
@Luckmann 6 годин тому
A dark fate for a dark race of beings? Woah, cool it with the antisemitism.
@mishakachmazov3174 6 годин тому
Orcs perspective? I want to know the perspective of the orc scaling the wall of Helm’s Deep on a ladder while hearing a Dwarf counting…
@AJ_Nightfall 6 годин тому
"The druids... No one knew who they were... Or what they were doing. But their legacy remains..."
@justicebrewing9449 6 годин тому
In middle earth, all the forces of evil from the earliest days of Melkor through the last days of Sauron are just the worst at tactics and strategy. Soren has an army 10 times and more the size of Gondor’s, monopolizes two fronts and their closest ally is basically worthless. All the immortal dim had to do was move into Minas Morgal and slowly but surely in circle Gondor in a siege over 100 years, but most likely vastly less. Then he could’ve hunted for the ring at his leisure. All of Tolkien’s villains are generally incompetent.
@JordanBeagle 6 годин тому
14:55 You can't help but feel a bit sad for them
@neildaly2635 5 годин тому
Pity the monsters
@JordanBeagle 7 годин тому
I always thought they were quite impressively outnumbered, especially when you consider the masses of orcs still behind the gates
@JordanBeagle 7 годин тому
12:10 Crazy that they must've been thinking "Well, we pulled off a miracle at Minis Tirith but there's no way out this one." Hence Gimli and Legolas' memorable words
@kajagoogoo9613 7 годин тому
Martin will never finish this series
@JordanBeagle 7 годин тому
11:00 Man, probably would've been either really boring or maybe tense or it could've even been like they were just hangin out! 😄