@kbrizy7490 2 години тому
MG Big three and KOT guy changed my life. No joke. I’m bulletproof these days. Used to tweak my back 3-4 times a year.
@apcpa8 3 години тому
I want to know if someone smokes from 16-25 but quit at 25. Are they still going to behind when it comes to the brain developing OR will they slowly develop these parts of their brain?
@00kritti00 3 години тому
watching while high as a kid lmao
@alphamale3141 4 години тому
I use caffeine shampoo every other day and take a saw palmetto supplement every night. I do think that it helps maintain a full head of hair. However, I would not rule out wishful thinking on my part. I’ll be 77 in a few months.
@MitsubishiEvo10mr 6 годин тому
Lol I’ve been smoke 25 plus years
@savani10 6 годин тому
I don't believe this shit. All these hypnosis have to be staged.
@simdave7165 7 годин тому
Where can I find a video of the medial glute exercise from the podcast?
@john-carlosynostroza 7 годин тому
Well, I have been intermittent fasting since 2014 every day and I eat right up until I fall asleep basically with probably 1500 calories between the last 2 hours of being awake. So I don't follow this at all and yet I am the leanest I've been in my life with ease and always have visible abs and vascularity. I do exercise for 60 to 90 minutes every day combining cardio and high volume basic weight training and it is important to note that I do also track my calories so I'm not overeating beyond what I'm burning or whatever my goal is
@dstylez1171 7 годин тому
If you don't know then why are you even talking about it...smoke weed
@frontierfishingwithryanmac1981 7 годин тому
I’m smoking a joint and watching this and laughing at these two goofs fear mongering cannabis!
@quimlloret6122 8 годин тому
What if we have to work before the sunlight xd Not everyone is that privileged. Are we fucked then? Any tips or advice?
@starseer3209 8 годин тому
Get yourself an arizer extreme q and go to town. I used it to lean myself off of daily use. Then when you're done, collect the vaped flower and make edibles with it. Smoking i felt was more addictive than anything when it came to using weed. Even edibles dont make me want to keep going back even if the experience is very optimal. In fact eating cannabis is probably the best way to use it. I dont get the same negative effects from smoking or vaping. Because it comes on slower, gradually, and you feel it much more. Coming from someone who smoked 99% of the time. If I were younger, I would have moderated it to no more than 2-3 times a week and during lowtime when i have nothing but relaxing time. Also i would have used edibles more.
@jennetal.984 9 годин тому
I bet, on average, alcoholics live longer than long-distance runners
@catharticwicks 10 годин тому
I was a happy camper smoking weed once or twice a week. Smoking weed everyday worsened my lung health to some degree. I stopped smoking and I feel very healthy. However, I miss occasional weed use from a mental health standpoint.
@josepha9313 11 годин тому
Wish I'd never got started. No one to blame but myself, trying to be cool; smoked throughout my 20 years in the Air Force; it was nice to 'take a break' and step outside and smoke with the others. I'm not 100% sure why smoking seems to make things more enjoyable. Now I can't catch my breath when I go up a flight of stairs. I have chronic bronchitis. I am motivated to quit now and want to quit.
@sebastianschialer4859 11 годин тому
Anyone else getting distracted from deep work by watching this video? lol
@willyjoe3000 12 годин тому
I have had a brutal sleep issue for years that responds very well to eating at night. I'm literally looking for a supplement that could reduce grehlin but also isn't a stimulant or anything. Something I could take at night instead of having to eat to sleep. Thoughts?
@HILDAPORTWOOD 12 годин тому
hey can i write a comment
@igordidenko8277 12 годин тому
You are my number one podcaster and I really happy to see your physical conditions and always admire people who are looking for equilibrium in mind and body. Thank you for all your incredible content.
@threeworld 13 годин тому
Thanks man please consider doing on recovery moves for damaged rotator cuffs
@user-ip4iy1wm3n 14 годин тому
what if you born in the era of social media? you dont have comparison of what millenials and older genrations experienced before social media.
@jimibonehaze2454 14 годин тому
But if cannabis was so hazardous to your mental health why have doctors prescribed it to mental patients with epilepsy schizophrenia cancer whoever had a mental breakthrough or a mental breakdown over cannabis use must have gotten laced
@rainb0wjelly 15 годин тому
please do a study on replacing cannabis with hyaluronidase. i willingly got that poison injected into my face and it went into my bloodstream, my brain, nerves, muscles, stay in fatty tissue for 4 freaking months already and totally disfiguring and disabling me killing me by slow death
@Poopsik196 15 годин тому
Shut up fed😂😂
@reubensingh1430 15 годин тому
I go to bed late since 13 does it matter. I get 8 hours quality sleep all the time.
@Nykoooo1 16 годин тому
From personal experience, the more I watch screens, the less motivated I am, and the more I stop being on screens, the more energetic and alive I am
@cosmonation1840 17 годин тому
Not sure why this is., but the only time I can listen to stand up comedy (and it’s funny) is at work on shrooms. Home on shrooms? It’s not funny. I stopped listening to stand up comedy at work to ask UKposts this question. And now… back to the boring people. I love my own little world..
@fitnessuniverse111 17 годин тому
And now, top youtube opportunist saw another chance to draw attention and spotlight on him,to take another ownership...hilarious,yet expected. So ,now you teaching Mcgill method? Should we anounce retirement of the "old guy2 as official? Or maybe,percent of his lectures should go to you,beside youtube earnings... Thats nice actualy - after clearly expressed knowledge about everything,from process of making toothpick to new NASA space program,we have a chance to learn Mcgill method here... magnificent.
@randomguy6127 18 годин тому
Man what a controversial topic, hey? All I can say is the majority of people aren't using weed the right way, we weren't taught how. It's a gift, like psychedelics. Anyone who's taken psychedelics knows you can't be f*cking tripping everyday. That's how I approach weed now... once a month is more than enough for me. Might be different for you but we all have to listen to the wisdom of our own bodies. Hope that helps
@shyraptorcz 19 годин тому
Mermaid Pushup 😎
@bobgug8626 19 годин тому
No mention of Dale Bredesen who claims some Alzheimer's cases can be cured. And we know that higher VO2max correlates with slower progression of all neurodegenerative conditions. Would be worth mentioning here because it's something people can actually do themselves.
@beeeesn 19 годин тому
That video triggers extremely, if u had an coca adic. Im imagine some addict who has memories of his pipe (and/or) hits. And than that talk about the high intense dopamine rush. That could give the memories that feeling back which maybe was forgotten or ignored. I am appreciate A Hubermans explanation and his podcas generally, but his description of cocain dopamine causes, are very imaginable and may leading back into those memories, because u want to remember "just" the effect (in a scientific way) but with bad luck this purely scientific curiosity comes with more feelings, more memory and leaves the Science pathway. But you can come back I just wanted to mention that.
@Clover-qz8nl 20 годин тому
A big deal in quitting smoking is also to accept that one’s mood will be different for a few days and that it will phase out relatively quickly 🍀🫶
@thepontiacbandit7329 20 годин тому
Junk food for your brain.
@marthaolkhova9581 20 годин тому
Thank you Andrew and the team. You are making us smarter and healthier with each episode.
@chrispettipas2462 20 годин тому
Cigarettes have 4800 chemicals in them weed has around 400 natural chemicals in it
@pamrussell1972 21 годину тому
So grateful for all the time and effort that it takes to put all of this valuable information together. Many thanks Andrew 💙
@userisdead2121 21 годину тому
To the people that are stuttering, you are not alone , i suffer too , my whole life has been turned into hell
@rico__ 22 години тому
definitely opened my eyes again. very impactful, useful, appreciated information in this video. ase
@moni70963 День тому
Yeah, we know what we have to do. However, we look for inspiration to motivate us to do it. You are making a living from inspiring us. Don't minimize it.
@michaelgodde6024 День тому
What’s up dog?
@spenzostar9569 День тому
Up dawg
@lala99052 День тому
its been more than a year for me! As a GEN Z I don't even care what people say because i live in a developing country alhamdolillah mashallah. My classfellows are usually shocked when they get to know about me not having IG .. i use snapchat for pictures and talking to relatives using my moms phone as i dont have one. I dont want one either. I know computer stuff more than a lot of other students. I am not afraid of social media either. I just think its a waste, i do have a cringe and bad experience with social media but now that i am mature enough i don't want to be a part of this illogical system where all people especially teens are messing and wasting their lives
@clemaintian1353 День тому
Thanks so much Dr Omole for your herbal herbs cure medicine that finally get me cured of my herpes disease totally, am really Grateful Dr Omole on UKposts,....
@lolabear13 День тому
mourning my lost potential and the person i could have been had i never touched drugs. im 23 now and im worried its too late for me. by the time my brain is done rebounding (if i manage to actually quit this time) im worried all of the growing and building cells are going to close up shop and ill be this dissatisfied unfulfilled and bored forever but now permanently lacking the software to do anything about it. smoking has become a chore that helps ease my emotional regulation loneliness and boredom but it only makes things worse. i feel better in the moment but not really. its like when you robotically eat the whole bag of salt and vinegar chips it tasted reallllyyyyy good at first and you want to maintain that good feeling so you eat more and more and you can kinda still taste the idea of vinegar but blunted because you burnt your tongue and now you have the shits
@paschalanselm9722 День тому
One of the most difficult learning strategies esp in medical school😢
@balder4295 День тому
didn't work at all for me
@alexandradeleon7050 День тому
This is so twee. Twee bio-hacking is a genre, y'all.
@davidvanderwall9811 День тому
Largely a semantic statement that doesn’t translate well to the general population. Neoplasia is a term used in the medical field to refer to the abnormal growth of tissue, whether that be a process of hyperplasia (increased total number of cells), dysplasia (poorly differentiated cells), or metaplasia (cells which are a different type of cell than they were originally). A malignant neoplasm is what the general population is typically referencing when they use the word “cancer”. That being said, “cancer” in the medical field can refer to any type of neoplasm whether benign or malignant. All men develop what is understood to be a physiologic (not pathologic) hyperplasia of their prostate gland as they age, leading to a condition known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Technically speaking, this is indeed a neoplasm because it represents the physiological increased division of new prostate cells, but it is important to note that these cells are of the same lineage from which they were originally derived and are non-dysplastic and non-metaplastic, and thus this condition is benign. Yes, all men will get it. This is why old men can’t pee very well. People get “prostate cancer” which is simply malignant neoplasia of the prostate gland, when their prostate cells acquire a new cell fate (prostate cells become metaplastic) or lose their cell fate (prostate cells become dysplastic/anaplastic). One can lead to the other but its quite rare for BPH to become “prostate cancer.” Hope this helps you men out there sleep better.
@premmok День тому
I suffered from RCVS (Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome), which led to a brain hemorrhage. The cause? Smoking Marihuana. It is not worth it. Period.