English for Enginners
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When your webcam isn't working
2 місяці тому
People should stop driving robots like this
Docker 101
9 місяців тому
Docker for Robotics Pt 1 - What and Why??
I program robots with a video game console
Are you ready to Humble?
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You made THESE?
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2023 Sneak Peek!
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@KirillPartala 8 хвилин тому
Thanks for your video! Can you help me please to fix one problem with map in Rviz? Ubuntu 22.04 ROS2 Humble. When I run map_server there are no map frame in Rviz: Frame [map] does not exist. But map_server don't have any errors or warnings in terminal afret bringup. Static tf publisher fix this issue, but I don't know how to configure it. I tried to add static tf publisher to map, so map frame appears in Rviz, but if I add static tf from odom to map, both map and odom start stay at the same place when I move robot. It looks wrong...
@alhomeronslow5505 22 години тому
Thank you for this. Perfect timing in finding this channel and playlist, taking a robot programming course and devops course in several weeks. RPi/Python/Two motor/wheel platform and Docker the respective focus of the courses .
@bhollywood01 День тому
once again another dude on youtube that thinks everyone coming on here for help are looking for a guy talking learning the theory and the history of robotics, people wanna see how to put shit together, wiring, what kind of controllers to use and watch them build it. they don’t want to go to school on youtube.
@ArticulatedRobotics День тому
Yeah I mean each to their own. Many people do want to go to school on UKposts! Or need additional resources to help them understand what they're learning. As much as some people want to see things get wired up, others need to know how to code transformations. The sort of knowledge I'm sharing here is used every day in industry! (Source: my day job)
@josecas9099 2 дні тому
does this template also work if using ROS2 Humble?
@ArticulatedRobotics День тому
If you check out my videos there's a video covering some of the differences for humble (has humble in the name) but I am hoping to do an update when Jazzy comes out soon
@paulramasco6769 2 дні тому
I finished my degree that had a focus on robotics in november so this is an awesome refresher. However, the right hand rules you shown jacked my head up, probably because I'm used to the general electronics rules (right hand and left hand) are thumb up and middle finger pointing out, so right hand rule here is exactly the same as left hand rule. I'll have to review my books if they explained it the way you did. They probably did, I just don't remember.
@ArticulatedRobotics День тому
@nicodell6192 2 дні тому
I liked your explanation of 3d rotations, and regarding 2d, I thought SO2.
@ArticulatedRobotics День тому
Oh man, that is too good haha
@Kejtoo 2 дні тому
I remember struggling at University for hours to understand this topic, but with this clear explenation and memorising tips life could have been much easier!
@florist_notes 3 дні тому
Thank Youuu :D
@dalitsobanda3317 3 дні тому
saving my final grade in robotics rn, excellent series!
@angelhoma5792 3 дні тому
so, this video is for who wants to use the router?
@Automatic_Robot 4 дні тому
Hello i had a problem that my motor has a total number of encoder pulses per wheel rotation of about 52,000 and the gear ratio is 1:27, when using the Arduino_Bridge code, when entering a command, the motor will jerk very much and reverse itself for no reason.
@apexnoob7642 4 дні тому
its been a while since the video came out but did you actually end up making the discord channel? would love to join it and watch discussions and contribute
@joris4284 7 днів тому
thanks for the very nice vids. I however, do have an unrelated question: how did you add the text DEV MACHINE to the wallpaper/background??
@ArticulatedRobotics День тому
Haha good question! I think I dug around in the OS until I found the default backgrounds directory and edited the image with GIMP :)
@sikirusalau9460 8 днів тому
Amazing video. What tool was used to make the animation of the angles?
@unaigranados4088 3 дні тому
I want to get that GUI also
@ArticulatedRobotics День тому
I use the Manim software, originally written by Grant of 3Blue1Brown (amazing channel)
@noithugian494 9 днів тому
Hope your next video has subtitles
@ChXXL 9 днів тому
Thats so clear and saved me after a long time of trying to get my controllers to work
@chandansingh5731 3 дні тому
Did you face some error in this?
@MohanRaj-hw7os 9 днів тому
hi, i was looking up the code and it is running fine, but im unable to update the encoder value as it shows 0 0 , even if i try to rotate it manually . maybe , the connection could be different for signal pins and vcc - gnd pins of encoder thus couldnt read i guess , but i tried out with different code with my current pin configuration , it was working . pin - M- M+ E(VCC) E(GND) E(s1) E(S2), this is what my current pin configuraiton. what could be the issue here ?
@adwaitingle2315 7 днів тому
I'm getting some issue in connections that in tutorial. The motors just moving infinitely (not stopping) for power input in my case after all connections with Arduino and raspberry pi. They were still moving without ros_arduino_bridge can u help with this issue?
@JReinhoud 9 днів тому
I expected to learn alot about Ros in Docker, instead I learned alot about Ros, Docker, Linux and Windows in general.
@toddryan4338 10 днів тому
Hi Josh! I am having trouble viewing the LiDAR and/or my camera over ssh. I have everything working locally and in the simulator (gazebo), but after I load it to my Raspberry Pi and run it, I don't know how to access it. I can see the publisher node working - but in RViz2, how do I connect to the camera or lidar node topic over ssh? Thank you!
@toddryan4338 10 днів тому
For clarification: Rviz in on my laptop. The raspberry pi is running Ubuntu JammyJellyfish headless server, so no displays.
@hakanloyan3483 10 днів тому
if anyone could help me is this repo can working with Humble ?
@randomlifebits 10 днів тому
As a roboticist who works with ROS(2), I must say these videos are really something. At the moment maybe the best step by step guide available on the internet!! :) Among infinite number of questions that exist in Robotics and in ROS programming a big one for a newbie is: what are the dominant characterstics for a laptop/pc to be able to work laglessly with ROS(2)?
@ArticulatedRobotics День тому
Thanks! I guess that's one of those "how long is a piece of string" questions. In my day job I work on systems with multiple lidars with large scans (over 1M data points/sec on each one) and this takes quite a bit of processing! On the other hand, the stuff I've shown in my other videos doesn't take much at all. I'd generally recommend a recent i5, 16GB RAM as a starting point but there really are so many options!
@itsthatperfect5873 10 днів тому
Thank You For Your Time This Really Helped Me
@RoboMech48 10 днів тому
i am using keyboard instead of joystick what should i do in twist mux?
@nicobucher1711 11 днів тому
Insane Videoseries, i think i have never seen such a perfect series of tutorials. Videos are not too long, but include every important aspect. And its super good explained. Thank you so much for these Videos.
@ArticulatedRobotics День тому
Thank you!
@alexrus6878 11 днів тому
If I wanted to build a more complex design for the chassis could I use for example Fusion and import the geometry and write a xacro file manually? Or how would you do it try to build everything in xacro only?
@ArticulatedRobotics День тому
That's a great question. There are tools for converting from Fusion to URDF which I've never used but should probably try, and then make a video on, I'm pretty sure people are using it out there in industry. I'd personally be inclined to do it manually for the sake of simplicity and clarity, but it depends on the project.
@RoboMech48 12 днів тому
josh make a video to add imu sensor to improve odometery of robot @josh
@ArticulatedRobotics День тому
I am very keen too but it is currently a fair way down the pipeline...
@yarashahin9788 12 днів тому
this dude could literally make a video about anything random and i'd still love it
@jyothishkumar3098 12 днів тому
Isn't "driver software" the "comms layer"?
@user-zu6wg9wt8m 12 днів тому
what ubuntu theme is that? it looks really good
@ArticulatedRobotics День тому
Ubuntu MATE, it's a different desktop environment to the standard GNOME. A bit lighter-weight.
@user-zu6wg9wt8m 22 години тому
Nice i might try it in a vm later
@user-zu6wg9wt8m 12 днів тому
nice to see another linux user that makes coding vids
@JaklizTheEngineer 12 днів тому
I have been following the tutorial(thanks for it BTW) and I seem to have a problem- I cannot control my robot very well. I just seems to accelerate to max speed, and I cannot slow down, it only stops abruptly when sticks return to neutral. When I am very careful I can accelerate slowly, but can never reduce speed.I don't have encoders on my motors and I believe that might be the cause... If you have any advice it would be greatly appreciated. when I tried the teleop keyboard I also was not able to make it go slower using the keys in the terminal
@user-xp3kk8og6p 12 днів тому
Why doesn't run the joint_state_publisher_gui joint_state_publisher_gui ? when we run Rviz2 and run ros2 launch articubot_one launch_sim.launch.py ?
@olubukolaogunsola5864 14 днів тому
@ArticulatedRobotics , did you 3D print the base for the lidar?
@ArticulatedRobotics День тому
Yeah I think maybe it was this one? www.printables.com/model/83507-a1-lidar-mount-for-turtlebot3-waffle-plate
@boukermouchemohammed8729 14 днів тому
Thank you for the video. I don't understand how you establish communication between the Raspberry Pi and PC, and how you can display them on the same screen.
@saadwaqar7003 14 днів тому
Hello everyone. I have been following this, but when I shifted to ros2 control, the robot is driving in the opposite direction, but when I was working with Gazebo diff_drive, it was running perfectly fine. Can anyone please guide me? I have been struggling with this for 2 days now. Thank you
@jakestorage9406 15 днів тому
Hi, I'm following your tutorial, but in my case (raspistill: command not found)
@therealpropad1270 15 днів тому
humble here, if anyone needs help i got it working my making a new file in home/user/ then changed the name of it to example_robot.urdf.xacro (this i got from the example file he gave from github) afterwards i opened the file with visual studio code, pasted in his code and saved then i ran the command to run it and it worked, make sure there are no typos in the code below is the command if you feel like you might make a typo ros2 run robot_state_publisher robot_state_publisher --ros-args -p robot_description:="$( xacro ~/example_robot.urdf.xacro )" feel free to ask for help i check notifications i can try to help
@Phoenix_1974 15 днів тому
Hey hi!! How to integrate the LiDAR sensor with 7 dof robotic arm end effector for proper collision avoidance , I have prepared the Cad model of LiDAR too , but how to activate the LiDAR sensor in such a way that whenever I have I set a end effector two position so if any obstacles is present then it should avoid it ?? Can you guide me through it pls??
@JaklizTheEngineer 15 днів тому
I was getting this error: "Could not contact service /controller_manager/list_hardware_interfaces" (when running "ros2 control list_hardware_interfaces") and "waiting for the controller manager service be available" in the gazebo output the problem was for me that I accidentaly put the gazebo tags in ros2_control.xacro inside the ros2_control tags took me quite some time to find this mistake, hopefully this helps someone who happens to be in the same situation
@kailuwang2004 16 днів тому
If I only want to simulate with gazebo on VM, should I setting like this video?
@annaanna5546 16 днів тому
Thank you so much for the awesome video. I am trying to incorporate robots with .dae mesh links instead of predefined boxes or cylinders. But it's not getting spawned into the Gazebo. It's successfully spawned, but nothing is loaded in the Gazebo. It would be a great help if you could suggest some ideas on it. Thank you.
@pegas351 17 днів тому
Here is our channel with my son: www.youtube.com/@Arsenrobotics. We are building a wheeled robot that my son named BigfootBot. We have a 4G/LTE modem on the robot. We are using ROS 2. Currenlty we want to add teleoperation with the camera streaming over cellurar network. For teleoperation we tested Foxglove and it worked fine. We have Intel Realsense D435i camera and Rpi camera module V2. We tested realtime streaming using ffmpeg and protocols like RTMP and MPEG-TS but they didn't give good results (latency was even fine but bad quality). Those protocols are very easy to use out of the box. We learned about WebRTC and it seems right solution but is more tricky to install. Could you please advise and direct us (send some links, keywords) how to setup WebRTC? Thanks!
@pegas351 17 днів тому
Thanks, Josh, for your great videos. We are watching with my son all your videos that are very educational. What is great about your videos that you follow the video and eventually get thing working!
@kotiba-kutaybaaldibs1054 19 днів тому
i faced a problem with map, while robot starting to move there is a difference between a lidar map and a slam map. How can I make it synchronized and shouted repeatedly?
@DiniZefaranti 20 днів тому
how to see velocity?
@SumedhaGudipati 20 днів тому
Thank you so much for such a clear explanation for beginners. Can you suggest some interesting projects/github resources for beginners/intermediates without the need of hardware to learn ROS2 and their applications ? @Articulated Robotics
@nafisahmed6247 20 днів тому
Awesome tutorial. 3D SLAM tutorial please
@ChXXL 20 днів тому
Had actually some problems with a xbox wireless controller. Turns out that you have to update the controller firmware! (without a Xbox only through Xbox Accesories app). Great Video btw. Thank you for sharing!!!
@conversionsuc 20 днів тому
Hello Josh thank you for the great lectures. many industrial motor control units use CANOpen protocol. Can you make a video how to implement CANopen into Ros2?
@abhismirai10 22 дні тому
really enjoying these series thank you so much