Hating Apple is Getting REALLY Hard - WWDC 2023

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It's that time of year again, and Apple is launching some pretty cool tech! Vision Pro, 15" MacBook Air, and an impressive new Mac Pro are all coming to an Apple store near you for a hefty price.
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Intro: Laszlo - Supernova
Video Link: • [Electro] - Laszlo - S...
iTunes Download Link: itunes.apple.com/us/album/sup...
Artist Link: / laszlomusic
Outro: Approaching Nirvana - Sugar High
Video Link: • Sugar High - Approachi...
Listen on Spotify: spoti.fi/UxWkUw
Artist Link: / approachingnirvana
Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa / mbarek_abdel
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0 geni.us/PgGWp
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0 geni.us/mj6pHk4
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0 geni.us/Ps3XfE
0:00 Intro
1:06 Vision Pro
4:15 Mac Pro
6:20 Metal 3
7:08 MacBook Air
8:00 OS Updates
9:43 Outro

@notenoughmonkeys 10 місяців тому
Not sure why a CEO is qualified to assess an eye tracking headset, this seems more a job for a Chief Vision Officer to me…
@MasterMarioMX 10 місяців тому
nice one!
@DounutCereal 10 місяців тому
Underrated comment
@HealyHQ 10 місяців тому
@TENGILL 10 місяців тому
I see what you did there, love it!
@liamconverse8950 10 місяців тому
Actually this seems targeted for people who live in pods, so that would be the qualified
@kurtwinter4422 10 місяців тому
Finally a device that makes a 4090 look affordable
@fonfaila 10 місяців тому
@akivgaming3751 10 місяців тому
You can’t really compare a gpu with an AR headset.
@kenny9088 10 місяців тому
@@akivgaming3751 nah seriously? 🤦‍♂️
@jp-sama4176 10 місяців тому
@@akivgaming3751 you must be funny at parties
@pixels_per_inch 10 місяців тому
@@akivgaming3751 True, the 4090 is probably 10x more powerful
@Zenniverse 10 місяців тому
Apple switching to their own silicon is the best thing they’ve ever done.
@Larimuss 10 місяців тому
It makes sense…. The only thing their actually any decent at is making solid hardware… sometimes.
@bluedawn2669 10 місяців тому
@@Larimuss The OS is also rather solid. Speaking as someone who uses Linux, Windows and MacOS
@Yy-ig6fm 10 місяців тому
Cool. Now they can integrate more hardware level anti repair bs.
@DukenukemX 10 місяців тому
Best thing they've ever done for the PCMasterRace. Laugh's at your silly ARM chip that's incompatible with x86 applications.
@ikzoid 10 місяців тому
@@DukenukemX No reason to discredit the benefits of ARM. The efficiency improvements are *huge*.
@remizu2901 10 місяців тому
Also the fact that they are pricing storage upgrades at insane prices
@Supremax67 10 місяців тому
Not hard to hate Apple, proprietary BS + no rights to repair.
@jztsaurabh8111 10 місяців тому
Beyond insane I feel like this is where they make majority of their profits
@fomingera65 10 місяців тому
@@jztsaurabh8111 truue
@The_Divergent 10 місяців тому
​@@jztsaurabh8111data collection?
@ZombieLincoln666 8 місяців тому
iCloud is not expensive at all though.
@jivewig 10 місяців тому
Y’all forgetting that the real innovation is the ability to set multiple timers.
@b0lly410 10 місяців тому
@wtch1212 10 місяців тому
For Reals
@LifeLens764 10 місяців тому
Like with my Garmin Watch. I can set timers with different times, save them for the long term and run them in the background. Or is it more like multiple timers without the option of preconfigured times?
@thegrazer2007 10 місяців тому
here is more timers......all i really want is a GD calculator on my ipad! FFS!
@Vlad-rk5go 10 місяців тому
And using offline maps in mid 2023.
@nathan_smith 10 місяців тому
The vision pro uses 3d augmented reality to inflate the size of your wallet when you look at it with pass through cameras, to make you forget how much you paid for it
@universedawn4202 10 місяців тому
Google glass was made fun of I don't want this product to get any passes
@jakobmax3299 10 місяців тому
And to make you think you can afford the new Mac pro.
@Rhythmattica 10 місяців тому
And theres a note attached with every note.... "Decide for yourself"
@MrCroky123 10 місяців тому
... and you look like a pro scuba diver while your at it. Swimming through your wallet, smiling at clown fish and mermaids ...
@Kayserjp 10 місяців тому
its a XR. VR+AR+MR together. no other devices can this.
@estivee 10 місяців тому
The fact that the "Hey" is getting removed is probably the best change in iOS 17 for me. Since my native language is Swedish it feels veeery unnatural to say "Hej, Siri" since we don't really talk to each other in that way in Sweden. So to be able to just say "Siri, ring mamma" or "Siri, sätt en timer på 10 minuter" is GREAT!
@alaskandonut 10 місяців тому
Nice. What is your casual greeting there? Ofc for us it’s just “hey”
@estivee 10 місяців тому
@@alaskandonut It is still "Hej" or "Tjena" but we don't use them to start a conversation most of the time. Usually you would just say someones name or just start talking in their direction to initiate a conversation. It may sound a bit rude to outsiders but the Swedish language is quite casual!
@alaskandonut 10 місяців тому
@@estivee interesting thanks for sharing
@DaMorg3 10 місяців тому
Yeah… it’s great and all, but what’s not great is Siri responding to “seriously” and “cereal.” Not talkin to you lady, please mind your own business!
@estivee 10 місяців тому
@@DaMorg3 Haha, yeah I get the frustration for native english speakers. Thankfully it's a toggle if you want to use they full command still or the new one!
@jeronimo196 10 місяців тому
"Hating Apple is Getting REALLY Hard" Not at all, barely an inconvenience.
@AndyHerbert254 10 місяців тому
How hard can it be to hate on Apple when they released a $1000 monitor stand a few years back
@0106johnny 10 місяців тому
I hope they give us a 1000$ stand for the Vision Pro
@lucafiorentini3396 10 місяців тому
I don't hate apple, I adore their strategy. It's the fanboys who tend to get on my nervs
@retrocomputing 10 місяців тому
People always seem to talk about how everything is made disposable, cheaply made and so on, but can't accept something that's the opposite
@zxbc1 10 місяців тому
It's super hard to hate on Apple when they give you so much money to promote them all the time.
@stephblackcat 10 місяців тому
@@retrocomputing ehh. i've seen sub 1k stands that were as long lived as apples will be...the problem is that nowadays you have overpriced disposable trash, or overpriced with longevity. the old way that people are remembering back to was relteively affordable long lasting. that affordable is the bit people are upset about not the lifespan with the stand.
@extra4405 10 місяців тому
"ignore the price"-Apple, always.
@ncard00 10 місяців тому
When you’ve got the best, you decide the prize. Also, gaming on Mac, Native or through Rosetta 2, is already incredible, and unmatched in terms of performance per watt, so the environment would really benefit from people gaming on Mac instead of Windows, where people use up to 250W CPU’s, and 500W GPU’s…
@ExclamationMarx 10 місяців тому
There's a difference between expensive & overpriced. This headset just looks expensive. Not overpriced. The hardware justifies the price
@MegPredator 10 місяців тому
​@@ncard00 environment 😂, casually ignoring all the anti repair stuff they do
@Mandragara 10 місяців тому
A lot of customers are not really price sensitive, they are experience sensitive.
@lenowoo 10 місяців тому
@@MegPredator and that is how he ignore the price
@Borzogo 10 місяців тому
$3500 for 2 hours of battery life is insane indeed.
@Sir_Loin_ 10 місяців тому
Cant you plug into an outlet
@blue_ig1 10 місяців тому
Use it plugged in
@quantuminfinity4260 10 місяців тому
Doing the sheer level of computation to map and re-create the environment with multiple applications running nearly perfectly tracked within 12 ms, and sufficiently driving display brightness through pancake lenses with that small of a battery is insane.
@CJV1B3Z 9 місяців тому
​@@quantuminfinity4260Yeah, it's like buying a V12 you can only drive for a mile 😂
@fadezynx7587 9 місяців тому
​@worldsmostphlegmaticman for 3500$ you'd expect a wireless experience 😂
@opl273ox 10 місяців тому
I've heard it mentioned numerous times: "Starting at $3500" Makes me wonder what the full-featured model is going to cost.
@ando2421 10 місяців тому
oh yeah wow hopefully the name vision ‘pro’ means there’s an affordable vision air coming
@drunkenburritto 10 місяців тому
The Pro is the full featured model, hence Pro, the only upgrades are a couple of optional things like prescription lenses rather than actual hardware upgrades.
@YouTuberr285 10 місяців тому
prices always go down. Why do you care about the cost? Why aren't you worried about the social decay it's going to cause and the end of human interaction?
@pontiuspilates 10 місяців тому
audio ray tracing is just a fancy way to name a convolution reverb which is used in the industry for quite a while
@cormoran2303 10 місяців тому
dear lord they're using 'ray tracing' like hucksters use 'quantum'.
@nankinink 10 місяців тому
It's nowhere near raytracing. Someone could sue them for lying
@DragonOfTheMortalKombat 10 місяців тому
@@nankinink They have lied a lot of times, but no one took down this multi trillion dollar poop corp. so I doubt it'll happen.
@DragonOfTheMortalKombat 10 місяців тому
you know it's a gimmick when they put a name like that.
@dfcx1 10 місяців тому
That's wrong, convolution is just applying an impulse response to the signal. The magic is in creating the impulses that account for head movements and HRTFs which is not at all what most convolution reverbs can do.
@kaden6149 10 місяців тому
Removing the "Hey" from Siri is actually going to be so annoying because I have a coworker named Siri and we already have so much trouble with phones triggering all over the place
@ForeverHobbit 10 місяців тому
oh god...
@axelolord 10 місяців тому
Worry not. I'm sure Apple will soon sue your co-worker for copyright infringement and force her to change her name. All problems solved. Thanks, Apple.
@isa300100 10 місяців тому
​@@axelolord it's apple, not Nintendo.
@irek1394 10 місяців тому
@@isa300100 apple is as bad or maybe even worse than nintendo in that aspect
@wormspeaker 10 місяців тому
@@isa300100 Correct, they'll just have their fanboys wave avocado toast in her face.
@kytechnelson 10 місяців тому
I'm honestly quite suprised that Apple released the Game Porting Toolkit to implement DX12 support. I thought they'd just stubbornly insist on devs re-coding for Metal. However, this seems to not benefit iOS, which still makes OpenGL the only API that ever workes on all platforms and makes me think Apple hasn't yet fully committed to trying to make life easier for game developers on their platform, but this was something I never thought they would do at all. On top of that, I feel like I hear more about Vulkan than I do DX12 these days and Vulkan has the potential to work literally everywhere, including all modern consoles, so I think Apple would be short-sighted to not do something similar for Vulkan (or just natively support it), but maybe now that's not an impossible outcome?
@PSy84 5 місяців тому
Apple will most likely make all the porting toolkits and translators…and then locked all of them to Apple for future iterations. Esp now that iPhones can run AAA console or pc games…1 developed game for mac can be sold to iPhone users and iPad users and Apple vision Pro users.
@kolstrike 10 місяців тому
You guys should do a portable display round up, including top brands & Amazon randoms.
@bobclack3256 10 місяців тому
23 million pixels on a OLED screen that small is insane honestly. the pixel density is crazy high. The price is also absurd, but damn that's impressive
@karaluv_ravenovich 10 місяців тому
The big question is which 3d apps would run at 8k res?
@bobclack3256 10 місяців тому
@karaluv_ravenovich it's less than 8k, but yeah, idk. Not many, but it's also apple so who knows
@karaluv_ravenovich 10 місяців тому
@@bobclack3256 i mean from what perspective such device will be needed? If you can buy a such device you may simply buy several monitors and proper tv. For gaming? Almost 8k resolution is too much but some rendering technics could help of course, Besides you got to run game in 90 fps + to feel kind of comfortable, this is the reason why there is no so much headsets with 8k resolution. I got to google how does it feel to play with "dimple rendering" or how does it translate to English...
@markedone494 10 місяців тому
@@karaluv_ravenovich No game will be rendering at 8k, the density needs to be there in order to sell the augmented reality part, it needs to be as close to sharp to reality as possible.
@karaluv_ravenovich 10 місяців тому
@@markedone494 hm... It will be interesting to see if they would make o proper projection from external cameras... But anyway I don't see many places where argumented reality with such details would be needed
@dmaluev 10 місяців тому
Not sure about competition, but Apple sure knows how to demolish your wallet.
@dazzlerweb 10 місяців тому
they never get near my wallet.
@strayccat9175 10 місяців тому
@@dazzlerweb cuz you’re already broke 💀
@strayccat9175 10 місяців тому
Literally the most powerful VR headset
@johnpoe3012 10 місяців тому
@@strayccat9175 i mean it better be haha. it’s like double the price of the nearest competitor
@MySkybreaker 10 місяців тому
​@@strayccat9175 literally double the price of other VRs so of fucking course it's more powerful
@thornescapes7707 10 місяців тому
I'm really surprised that they didn't put the computer part of the headset on your hip as well. Reducing the weight of the headset would help, and it already has an external component anyway. Plus it would make it easier to upgrade the computer part rather than replacing the entire headset.
@laerin7931 10 місяців тому
Having to replace the entire headset instead of upgrading a single part sounds like the Apple way, though.
@Ryan256 10 місяців тому
You get lower latency by having the chips inside the headset.
@nerdynephew 10 місяців тому
@insomniaxxp 10 місяців тому
They acquired the startup VRVANA in 2017 which already had 12ms latency video passthrough. Surprising they couldn't make it better in 6 years.
@Thatsme849 10 місяців тому
Does it really need to be though?
@hellogovna2 10 місяців тому
$3,500 is the starting price. If you want the 1ms version thats $4400
@Ccagesniper 10 місяців тому
Apple: Please support Metal! Game Developers: Please support Vulkan and OpenGL
@Moskeeto 10 місяців тому
That would require Apple supporting open source standards and you know they aren't going to do that.
@kipchickensout 10 місяців тому
I have never even heard of Metal before this video
@glebglub 10 місяців тому
consumers: please support Linux
@harveyhans 10 місяців тому
​@@Moskeeto opengl isn't open source, only its specification. vulkan is the only thing thats open source and i dont see why apple wouldn't support it natively, other than just not wanting competition meanwhile their own programming language, swift is completely open source
@Coldsteak 10 місяців тому
Game Developers: Kill OpenGL
@plrusek 10 місяців тому
>"Hating Apple is Getting REALLY Hard" >shows the $3499 pricetag in the first 5 seconds linus are you ok
@cormoran2303 10 місяців тому
Blink twice if Tim Apple has a gun pointed at you from behind the camera.
@thecon_quererarbitraryname6286 10 місяців тому
Linus got lobotomized by them 😂😅
@dfcx1 10 місяців тому
$3499 and doesn't even come with a top head strap, it's just going to slide down your face if you try to move. VR is for cardio I'm sad Apple didn't get the memo.
@Termynat0r 10 місяців тому
I mean just because something is expensive doesn't really justify to hate it.
@Octrox 10 місяців тому
Hating = not being able to afford it? Look, this is not for you and me, and 95% of other customers, but innovation lights a fire under Apple's competition, and speeds up more innovation. These "premium" features Apple are presenting will become mainstream and cheap much sooner, because Apple are bringing them now in the first place. I couldn't be happier about this product, but it's definitely the tech enthusiast and engineer inside me talking, not the consumer
@andrewmetasov 10 місяців тому
Linus for 9 minutes tries to explain that cheese grater that costs like a car makes sense because the one before it was just a little cheaper
@truthbullets 3 місяці тому
Maybe a cheese grater would be good for your eyes, clearly they are crusted shut
@schreiber6220 10 місяців тому
Unlike a tv or stereo where you can enjoy the experience with multiple people at once, you will owners a apple vision for everyone in the family. That $3,500 price tag starts to very quickly multiply. With all that I still want one.
@kc3vv 10 місяців тому
Comparing to the last generation instead of the competition is a sure way to make their new chips look faster.
@beaku3 10 місяців тому
Not even last generation. So many comparisons were made to Intel Macs which are at least 2-3 generations old if not more ☠️
@Nana_S_T 10 місяців тому
@@beaku3 Didn’t they compare to current PC’s in this years WWDC, not intel mac’s any longer?
@animesh2217 10 місяців тому
Yeah, I think Intel 13th gen and threadripper chip are the real competition as they were miles better than previous gen
@ijmad 10 місяців тому
There's no doubt these chips are really fast and very energy efficient, as to whether they exceed latest gen threadrippers, well that'll be for the benchmarkers to confirm, but it wouldn't surprise me if they're very competitive there. The GPU is also potentially quite powerful, but it still seems that very little is optimised for it (and almost no games).
@billyhatcher643 10 місяців тому
yep apple knows their cpus arent as great as the competition on everything
@jono6379 10 місяців тому
The labs team definitely has their work cut out for them verifying all of apples claims!
@JustAGenericGamer 10 місяців тому
Especially since Apple has a history of lying about their claims. Then again, every major tech company does that.
@speakerboxxx1234 10 місяців тому
MacBook Air 15 inch is a huge thing imo. Up until now, you had to pay a huge price to go up to 15 inch because they only offered MacBook Pros. To have a relatively cheap 15 inch laptop, my prediction is it will sell really well
@MartinStralka 10 місяців тому
Its not cheap when you can get for the same price MB M1 Pro, which is a bit older but still better... not even mentioning the 120hz XDR display, ports, battery, speakers... Do you still think its cheap? Its a really bad deal, but somehow people fall for it.
@robinisathakur 10 місяців тому
It’s thinner and way cheaper than the 16” mbp tho, and we know that sells well to students and developers.
@speakerboxxx1234 10 місяців тому
@@MartinStralka In Germany the M1 with new design with ports etc retails for 2100-2300 still
@MartinStralka 10 місяців тому
@@speakerboxxx1234 in czechia you can get 14" Pro for 1700€ on sale... for 512gb and 16gb ram. If you go for the Air, the base is 256gb and 8gb, which is basically useless. And just the 512/16gb version of Air already costs a lot more than the Pro. I know its a bit smaller screen, but you will sacrifice so much more with the Air. So, at least for me, it makes no sense.
@MartinStralka 10 місяців тому
​@@speakerboxxx1234 just checked it: 14" Pro for 1700€ 16" Pro for 2100€ The cost of the Air, for 512gb SSD and 16gb RAM is, get ready... 2100€ Still dont believe its a bad deal?
@NicholasKruegerMBA 10 місяців тому
If this thing isn't entirely vaporware, but is a legitimate laptop/desktop replacement able to function as a standalone workstation, then the $3,500 price point isn't entirely outrageous. Though I expect it to have some serious shortcomings in its first iteration, like the first iPhone. Could very likely kick ass by the third or fourth version.
@Poopmyjorts 10 місяців тому
I’m buying the first gen. Won’t be another 2 or 3 years until the next version and by the time it’s super refined we’re probably looking at around 10 years. The technology in it as it stands is definitely the most advanced by a landslide in comparison to others
@user-qi3hf8ko3q 10 місяців тому
people who got to try it were really impressed
@basinho0211 10 місяців тому
​@@Poopmyjorts this is apple were talking about. 2nd gen will probably be released next year.
@Poopmyjorts 10 місяців тому
@@basinho0211 nah not with something like this I garuntee it wont
@robinisathakur 10 місяців тому
I reckon they’ll keep it like this for 2 years then start to increment yearly at the same price or release a non pro version for cheaper. All the tech is likely patented so it’s not like Zuck or google can compete in a closed field. They learned from Google copying the iPhone.
@Nullzd 10 місяців тому
So much wonderful things they launched in the iPad update. I hope they add a calculator app next year
@Gerlaffy 10 місяців тому
Isn't there already a calculator app...?
@doublinx2 10 місяців тому
​@@Gerlaffy As far as I can remember...no. Along with Weather, it's one of the two apps Apple refuses to bring to iPadOS. Because reasons.
@darren7864 10 місяців тому
@@doublinx2 there is a iPad weather app I have one on my iPad Air 4th gen but still no calculator app
@alb4271 10 місяців тому
is this satire?
@swlak516 10 місяців тому
@@Gerlaffy no. The iPhone calculator app doesn’t exist on iPad.
@isaacgilbert2050 10 місяців тому
Linus’s best joke is that $12k is enough for a house down payment! 😂
@gandalfwiz20007 10 місяців тому
You can buy a damn new car for that!
@gandalfwiz20007 10 місяців тому
@@stevexracer4309 in my country, you can buy a brand new Dacia Sandero or a Suzuki Ignus for 12.000$
@MikeLegacy 10 місяців тому
I mean you can put 5% down, so it actually is enough technically. But 20%? Nah, lol.
@SyntheticFuture 10 місяців тому
​@@gandalfwiz20007a pretty small car 😅 Even a VW Polo is over 20k here 😶
@CraftingCake 10 місяців тому
I saw this argument somewhere else and I had the same opinion until someone posted a realtor page for a shitty small house in the Detroit suburbs for 20k$. It's possible just not pretty.
@EvilestMinion 10 місяців тому
Apparently there's a rumor hololens 3 is coming. They're waiting for any reason to announce it or some sort of tech that could make the jump from 2 to 3 worth upgrading. The vision pro could be that reason.
@daveg4417 10 місяців тому
The Vision Pro unit looks cool for watching movies, but I wear glasses, so in addition to the $3500 US price, I have to get custom lenses for it. :O
@Forfeit_The_Game 10 місяців тому
Only Apple would be happy to claim a selling point is that their device will work all day if it's plugged into a dedicated power source IE the wall plug.
@phryge2468 10 місяців тому
Auxiliary battery packs will be a big thing for it If you’re out and about or at a work space with it and happen to have a backpack, it would be easy af to have it plugged in to a battery pack far larger than something that you could carry on your face
@emojens 10 місяців тому
@@phryge2468 What does that have to do with Apple claiming "ALL DAY" use if plugged in? lol
@jimmyzhao2673 10 місяців тому
ha ha. good catch. *what braggadocio !*
@TamasKiss-yk4st 10 місяців тому
most people are need a sleep too.. and also if you are eating/showering etc, you not really spending more than 18 hours on your laptop, so you can technically call it an all day battery (but actually most people use it for work, which is 8 hours per day)
@user-sz3ky4cv8p 10 місяців тому
@@phryge2468 I mean if they don’t state that the first question on everyone’s mind would be what happens when the battery pack is empty. So it might sound risiculous but maybe otherwise people would have made a big deal out of it…
@dainess2919 10 місяців тому
It's really hard to ignore the price. And up to 2 hours of battery life.
@infernaldaedra 10 місяців тому
Every listed spec was "up to" 😂
@MaddTheSane 10 місяців тому
First-gen product. Expect the next gen to fix many issues.
@cgi2002 10 місяців тому
​@@MaddTheSaneits apple, I expect the next gen to remove half the features and make them optional extras, add 10x as many bugs, cost twice as much, and disassemble itself the moment someone sneezes nearby.
@tomasortiz1321 10 місяців тому
those 2 hours will be 30 min after a year
@thecatch6299 10 місяців тому
Nah when it’s plugged in it can run all day. And honestly I don’t think I’d leave the house with something so valuable in my head
@blkcyborg92 10 місяців тому
I lovvvvveeee the push into VR/AR it’s simply my favorite piece of tech and I am already a VR adapter but… how good will all this be for our eyes??? 👀
@truthbullets 3 місяці тому
It's fine. The whole "screen close to your eyes" thing was a problem with CRTs that were literally firing electrons into your retinas. The other concern is focusing on something right in front of you can be bad, but since this simulates distance, your eyes will focus on near and far things, keeping those muscles happy.
@user-pd8xu3ge6d 10 місяців тому
The Mac Pro can use GPUs in its PCIe expansion slots. But the GPU developer has to create the DRIVERS for them.
@TheArizus 10 місяців тому
Can't wait for the $1000 head band that you have to buy for the Vision Pro
@CommodoreFan64 10 місяців тому
don't forget the extra $1K that adds another hour of use onto the dang thing. 🤣
@milkqt666 10 місяців тому
@@MudSluggerBP and only 2 hours of use
@adytm 10 місяців тому
Like the wheels for the pcs xdd
@neon_arch 10 місяців тому
Keep hating kids!
@adytm 10 місяців тому
@@neon_arch why do you love it so much? Expensive stuff, that is hyped upped, but the tech is around 4 years old, just nobody uses it because it is so expensive, that nobody would buy it. Apple markets it so well that only they can sell something people dont even need.
@j100j 10 місяців тому
Very hard to hate on a company trashing right to repair this hard. Truly one of the companies ever.
@j_k_rz 10 місяців тому
"one of the companies ever" 🤣🤣👏
@Jonteponte71 10 місяців тому
Luckily the possibilities are just endless in providing the same tech innovation and making it completely repairable by just anyone with a scredriver and a hammer. I'm hoping you support those companies with you hard-earned cash?
@senbonzakura6934 10 місяців тому
i do hate apple but maybe in the future i will like the company
@trentbosnic 10 місяців тому
Why does every company have to make repairable products? There should be 2 classes of products: modular and repairable OR proprietary and not repairable. Also, quit your bitching fool.
@zafuro 10 місяців тому
god i hate redditors
@marvinvogtde 10 місяців тому
I wonder if the headset has the capability for hot swapping the battery or if you have to power down if you want to do that.
@angus9541 10 місяців тому
Of course as it has 2hrs internally. The other battery is additional
@trapical 10 місяців тому
Thanks for the summary. Great video!
@gladwalker 10 місяців тому
the headset is impressive but thats because it costs $3400 while most other companies are trying to make headsets the consumer can actually buy around $400 - 600
@Smart-Towel-RG-400 10 місяців тому
Cost them like 1500 in parts so they got a 2000$ mark up on them ...I know they gotta recover development cost and marketing but that's a step mark up still
@faber3969 10 місяців тому
@@Smart-Towel-RG-400 They spent a decade working on it and the variants made for general consumers have much lower margins so they won't be able to recoup costs as easily with them
@cyjanek7818 10 місяців тому
Oculus has decade of experience in the market and sells so many of them that they should be able to offset some costs and their quest pro was 1500 and no where near with specification alone, not to mention software side
@mikelovesbacon 10 місяців тому
Part of the reason they're so cheap is that you're the product. Meta tracks your eyeball movements so it can sell more data about you. Apple is going all-in on the high end hardware presumably to get production going and costs coming down. Expect an Apple Vision SE in a few years.
@zoeherriot 10 місяців тому
Different markets though.
@charles3840 10 місяців тому
6:29 I think Apple is getting nervous about game devs not porting to Mac and instead porting to Linux, thanks to the Steam Deck.
@user-8395 10 місяців тому
I agree. Linux popularity started rising after Windows 11 was released, which caused this need for porting to Linux.
@stevezpj 10 місяців тому
They're still able to con plenty of designers into thinking that Apple is best for graphics/video design work but I can't see them ever winning over the gaming crowd.
@ProfessionalValle 10 місяців тому
@@user-8395 Out of curiosity, what does Win 11 have to do with this?
@DDev247 10 місяців тому
@@ProfessionalValle People hate Windows 11 apparently
@hadiabdul9266 10 місяців тому
neither microsoft nor apple care about linux in the slightest
@BigFrogg 10 місяців тому
I’d consider buying it if I didn’t know that next years or maybe the year after that we’ll get the vision Pro 2 and it will make this one completely obsolete. When iPhone first came out, whenever a new one came the following year it made the old one seem terrible. Now iPhone only has incremental changes each year and I’ve personally felt no need to upgrade for the last 5 years. But with this headset just starting, the second one will make this look like a bloated dinasour. I’ll wait a few years and see how it goes. Also the lack of controllers and ability to play VR games is a big red flag for me
@oscodains 10 місяців тому
They demonstrated both games & ability to connect with controllers in the keynote?
@Ryan256 10 місяців тому
I expect version 2 won’t be released until a few years later. They’ll shift their focus to designing something that looks more like a set of regular eyeglasses that is less immersive but still offers the user interface features at a lower price point.
@SkaterStimm 10 місяців тому
Remember most VR headsets need dual handed controllers because the eye tracking and hand gestures do not work reliably enough. Apple just did what they did with styluses back in 2007.
@amazingsoyuz873 10 місяців тому
@@SkaterStimmSorry but there’s no way apple made hand tracking good enough to replace controllers in games. Hands only is just worse for most vr titles and you also lose the ability to have any haptic feedback when you touch things in a game.
@asdfasdf-mn8iu 8 місяців тому
I mean, the prices started skyrocketing for following iphones too at some point. Might be that the next gen of vision pro's cost 5k+..
@salaciouscreations4323 10 місяців тому
I looked for an app on Google cardboard that basically just allowed the phones desktop to be viewed and use apps as a solution to working on the go. Would have been great to remote into main machine on the train and have a 60" screen to edit on. Rather than a small screen on a laptop. But sadly Google never thought about productivity.
@JaredWeide-gw6vg 10 місяців тому
I don't think that they didn't think of it. They probably just struggled with latency. Apple can force a new OS onto their bootlickers so they're just slapping the laptop into the headset. Not that it's gonna make much of a difference with such short battery life though.
@salaciouscreations4323 10 місяців тому
@@JaredWeide-gw6vg all I wanted it to do was run no machine in the Google's so I could use the Google's as a screen. There we a million apps that allowed movies and the Netflix one sitting in that lodge I forgot I was on a top bunk on a team building weekend and fell off
@tinkerbench 10 місяців тому
I think the crazy part is people were worried about Google glass with one camera. Apple said hold my beer.....
@didnotwantthis 10 місяців тому
Glad I'm not the only one who finds all these sensors kinda terrifying.
@infernaldaedra 10 місяців тому
I miss google glass when nerds were bumping into shit all the time lol
@Tomatech 10 місяців тому
apple says that sensor processing is done completely on-device. although there is every chance they could be lying about this, i doubt it would be worth transmiting all the low-level sensor data. it's more likely they'll just collect the same high-level tracking data as their other devices
@NightyFall 10 місяців тому
​@@Tomatech Yeah, movement isn't really valuable for data
@Squilliam-Fancyson 10 місяців тому
Entirely different poduct
@Delta9Church 10 місяців тому
Gotta admit, apple knows their audience, saying you can replace your TV with a VR headset, they know you are watching alone. **I feel dumb having to spell this out, but when I say "their audience", I'm referring to the people excited about the product, their target demographic, not everyone with an apple product. Apparently that required clarifying.
@whannabi 10 місяців тому
Buy two then...but like two of both and you try to start it at the same time to react simultaneously. Easy!
@Delta9Church 10 місяців тому
@@whannabi absolutely! Who doesn't wanna spend 7k to watch TV with one other person, kinda in sync-ish? The future is looking bright
@A.C.Lawrence 10 місяців тому
If you're spending 3500 on a AR headset, you don't have kids.
@fryedbacon6997 10 місяців тому
@@A.C.Lawrencewho needs kids or a partner when Apple drops a new update that allows you to see and interact with the life you could’ve had if you didn’t buy those headsets 😂
@robloxpwnr7604 10 місяців тому
@@fryedbacon6997 Even better you can just live in a world where you *don’t* have a wife and kids, just neglect them!
@IsoMacintosh 10 місяців тому
5:45 i dont remember linus ever mentioning the price of pci-e cards and monitor when talking about desktop PCs or workstations, but weird enough it needs mentioning when it’s a mac.
@polor__ 9 місяців тому
imagine how hot the headset gets with the m2 ultra (burn your face off)
@agamith 10 місяців тому
Linus, you forgot the most impressive spec on the vision pro. It features all-day use when plugged in. I hope one day all my electronics will have such a feature that it needs to be explicitly stated.
@_amrbadr_ 10 місяців тому
its like saying "this iphone stops discharging when you plug in the charger"
@altergreenhorn 10 місяців тому
luis rossman approving this
@m-tech1816 10 місяців тому
I would say thats still something new in that class. I can't speak for the oculus quests, but the regular oculus certainly wasn't designed for all-day use even if that thing was exclusively tethered. Sooner or later the whole room would be hot just from the pc, which isn't always the case, but I would still be impressed, if people could actually use this a whole day..
@SurveyTurtleGaming 10 місяців тому
@@m-tech1816 the Quest 2's battery drains pretty fast even when plugged into your pc
@zoddsonofthor5576 10 місяців тому
except in blackout then you get two hrs fr fr
@Gr8dane85 10 місяців тому
For a long time, the biggest hurdle for VR headset massadoption was the price tag. i don't know who is going to pay for these headsets, groundbreaking as they are.
@kylepaxton431 10 місяців тому
Apple gave us a year to save up. $300/month
@lamikal2515 10 місяців тому
A large portion of Apple customers buy everything with a fruit on it, no matter what the price is and no mater how if they have to put another mortgage on their house to be able to do so.
@Simoxs7 10 місяців тому
My university professor already said he’s pissed he can’t buy it right away. I think there quite a few people who have that kinda money and especially people who buy apple products. I actually think it’ll bring more people to VR despite the price tag mainly because apple has a different customer base than the average VR user today. And I guess they’ll bring out a more affordable non-pro variant in the coming years.
@daysgone2997 10 місяців тому
£3000 with 2 hour battery life, im gonna get 2 and just keep charging one 😂
@TheBigHugh 10 місяців тому
Apple consumers are zombies. They'll get anything they put out. You could get a similar product for a third of the price but people aren't really talking about that one
@Dyllon2012 10 місяців тому
Depending on screen quality, I think it could be an interesting choice for a monitor. Your desk could then just consist of a keyboard and mouse.
@YouTuberr285 10 місяців тому
are you insane? where will the real world go then?
@digheanurag 10 місяців тому
Technically don't even need that with eye tracking virtual keyboard, but yes.
@BalancedSoundscape 10 місяців тому
What about designing Vision Lite (a light weight virtual display unit like eye glass spectacles) connected to Macmini & Mac Studio through Thunderbolt 4 or Luna Display like built-in wireless technology
@nightstalker4253 10 місяців тому
"Replace your tv, monitor and sound system" for $3500 u can get a good tv, monitor and sound system and actually do stuff with them for more than 2 hours AND u don't even need to attach a wire to your head, its truly a miracle of science.
@gastronian 10 місяців тому
those items are not mobile tho. You can at least move and carry this headset around. If you are remaining in 1 spot, you can plug it into a wall outlet so you can use it limitlessly. Can't really compare the experience of AR/VR to a stationary TV/Sound system set up. It is more immersive and has greater use since it is a computer in itself.
@phamtuan1840 10 місяців тому
@@gastronian you... move with this on? I guess Cyberpunk and Black Mirror was real after all.
@ForeverHobbit 10 місяців тому
@@phamtuan1840 i think he meant something like an hotel room. But still it's stupid af. As comfortable and realistic this thing can be it'll be annoying after a while. I can sleep with my tv on, can i sleep with this on my head?
@axelolord 10 місяців тому
@@gastronian You know what I can move around and use as a TV and a monitor? My cheap high resolution tablet. Sound system? I have multiples of high quality wireless headphones already that I can pair with any of my devices. You know what's even more immersive than a virtual screen on a VR screen? A real screen. In reality. Immersive. And I know, I tried, I tested, I have VR.
@jpnzo2k12 10 місяців тому
Ikr and those are multi user devices
@hammarby1169 10 місяців тому
Considering that Siri is fairly common name in Norway it will be interesting to see how that is dealt with, if at all.
@jwebcoding7289 10 місяців тому
You’re naming your children wrong.
@dominic.j 10 місяців тому
You can keep it as "Hey Siri"
@internet_userr 10 місяців тому
​@Menti Capti you are weird
@user-sz3ky4cv8p 10 місяців тому
I know people called Alexa too tho
@emma70707 10 місяців тому
​@@user-sz3ky4cv8p, so do I, which is why I call my device "Echo" (and also then ads don't trigger it). There are lots of options in settings.
@stimso885 10 місяців тому
Did they announce a calculator app for the ipad?? That would be a great thing to have!
@NicolasSouthern 10 місяців тому
Big Calculator App lobbyists won't allow that to happen. How else will people install crappy ad-filled calculators for their tablet? But seriously, they managed to purchase a decent weather app (dark sky) and integrated it well, why can't they just get Texas Instruments or someone to build an "official app".
@user-qi3hf8ko3q 10 місяців тому
no lmao
@Lone432345 10 місяців тому
I think Linus would buy a $5000 Calculator if it had the name Apple on it. The dude laterally think everyone made out of money.
@ottersmeep25 10 місяців тому
Yay! more timers! And that fancy journaling app? iPhone! Who doesn't want to journal on a touchscreen keyboard?
@martenkahr3365 10 місяців тому
No, hating Apple is still really easy. Just need to look at the repair prices when you need to fix your device two years after buying it, and see that they basically charge you the cost of a new device while doing everything in their power to prevent independent repair shops from being able to fix it at all (let alone at a competitive price). Pretty obvious they're using every trick in the book to have you replacing the ludicrously expensive devices you buy from them as often as possible.
@ILFforever 10 місяців тому
Lmao my friend's ipad pro 2021's top button broke and the repair center just refused to fix it. Instead they tried to coax him into buying a new one at a discount. Great company. By the way literally the only good thing the ipad has is Goodnotes now that it's coming to android it's really not worth it.
@zenreeio13IIIlI 10 місяців тому
You're expecting too much from LTT to understand this
@ExarchGaming 10 місяців тому
which....has nothing to do with reviewing the product. Linus has critiqued them many many times in the past for their anti R2R position. (also note linus doesn't make the titles for the video, one of the editors do, and it's to get people to click on the video, thank youtubes algorithem)
@zenreeio13IIIlI 10 місяців тому
@@ExarchGaming Not only no one is criticizing Linus directly, they are addressing the team that made the video, but it definitely has to do with reviewing the product. Maintaining it is part of the experience, and if you get manhandled every time you need to replace something, you'd be mad that the detail was left out of the review
@ze89412 10 місяців тому
@@zenreeio13IIIlIhow is it a poorly thought out video? The video isn’t about bashing apple it’s about being news about their new products
@os3ujziC 10 місяців тому
Yes, all competition in the $3500 AR headset market is totally destroyed.
@SEMIA123 10 місяців тому
You realize enterprise VR costs like 6k+, and it doesn't come with a computer, right?
@piraterubberduck6056 10 місяців тому
Since the comparable AR headset market includes the HoloLens 2, which is similarly priced, and has lower specs as far as I can tell, it actually probably will.
@darkdudironaji 10 місяців тому
​@@SEMIA123Enterprise isn't the same as consumer.
@tommykarrick9130 10 місяців тому
The difference is that no matter how much you pay you almost can’t find anything that comes close to competing (in specs and features at least, we’ll see if it has the interoperability to make it worthwhile for anything beyond content consumption and monitor replacement)
@bartolomeothesatyr 10 місяців тому
@@CassetteMelody There are, however, extremely expensive headsets designed for enterprise environments (like Microsoft's HoloLens) that the public knows about but doesn't buy because it isn't intended for them, it's intended for people who can expense their equipment instead of buying it out -of-pocket.
@anothernumber9753 10 місяців тому
I think that the thing about apple sillicon is that since ti's unified memory if you get the higher memory options then you can end up using a insane amount of memory along with your gpu so it has that benefit.
@MrWizardjr9 10 місяців тому
I guess but im betting they are not giving you 192gb of gddr6 memory so its going to be slower memory
@anothernumber9753 10 місяців тому
@@MrWizardjr9 assuming it’s using the same type of memory as m2 it would be using MT/s LPDDR5 SDRAM so correct me if I’m wrong but I think you’re basically right. I’ve had M1 Pro for a while though and I haven’t had any problems with memory even under very intense loads.
@mashirokobato5509 10 місяців тому
​@@anothernumber9753 it's penalty bandwidth for GPU RAW performance... Igpu no matter how hard the Unified gimmick memory works I still can't beat discrete GPU performance and yet Apple are not on CXL group
@yrtracingteam106 2 місяці тому
Please do a comparising between the big beyond and the pro vision ✌🏼
@spabble 10 місяців тому
I was super excited… and then reality finally kicked in when they announced the $3500 pricetag. Guess I'll stick to playing with it in the stores.
@ZackSNetwork 10 місяців тому
Come on that’s not expensive.
@Stovxn 10 місяців тому
​@@ZackSNetwork Not expensive?
@christianmccauley7340 10 місяців тому
@@ZackSNetwork bourgeois propaganda
@faber3969 10 місяців тому
​@@StovxnIt prices out most of the population but it's good pricing for what you're getting
@christianmccauley7340 10 місяців тому
I’ll be getting the quest 3, then snagging whatever consumer version of this comes out.
@_burd 10 місяців тому
It would be helpful for the LTT labs team to rationalise what Apple mean by their use of 'cores' as terminology for their SoC. Because for the consumer, they're looking at '76 cores' from apple and trying to reconcile that against the 5 figure counts of compute/rt/tensor cores on dedicated graphics cards 🤔
@glebglub 10 місяців тому
"helpful"? nah, it's necessary/mandatory. just like you can't compare nVidia's cores to AMD's, or intel's to AMD's, you can't compare Apple to anything else, except for itself (and even then, only within the same generation), from which you can THEN make comparissons against other brands through standardised benchmarking results to make sense of the whole smorgasboard of available hardware between brands and generations
@_burd 10 місяців тому
I mean, I can't believe they actually think 76 cores is a flex if they mean the normal terminology when talking about GPUs. But I also find it hard to believe that they're running multiple GPUs to that number either. There's definately a need to at least find consensus in terms and if they're really using something that architecturally doesn't meet the terminology, call it something else 🤷
@SenithDR 10 місяців тому
@@_burd technically each GPU core has 16 execution units or 128ALUs So M2 Ultra with 76 cores has 1216 execution units and 9728 ALUs…
@nocturnal101ravenous6 10 місяців тому
@@glebglub I have argued about this for years, Even in PC you aren't really testing a CPU generation to generation you are testing the entire ecosystem of the CPU/RAM/Mobo as a platform. Apples products realistically cannot be compared, You can use time as a measurement of sorts for completed tasks, and like Apple does "Performance per Watt" as a metric but realistically Physics is Physics and Optimization with standard modern materials is more the limitation and can only really go so far, and Apple gets blown out of the water the moment Wattage isn't a metric. Anyone that took a statistics class can see the marketing BS a mile away.
@_burd 10 місяців тому
@@SenithDR Right, so I wonder could ALUs be used as a rough unit of comparison? I guess that's why it ultimately comes down to how they perform on the real world benchmarks for different applications as that's ultimately all that matters. But some sort of vaguely universal point of reference would be useful at least 🤔
@LiamYessayian 10 місяців тому
With eye tracking im just imagining typing with swipe settings making a message by holding a finger up or down and being able to make text out of nothing but looking and an on/off motion
@adamdonze9269 10 місяців тому
I remember this thought experiment in Philosophy. Comparing two cars, one is the ideal you don't have against an old Trabant. The former is better than the latter in every way, but you can't get in it and drive down to the store. Love to see them trying new things, but I can build a good gaming PC, buy a Quest for wireless VR, buy a Valve index headset and controllers, and pay my mortgage for the month.
@Hankbob_Hillpants 10 місяців тому
For that price you could get a valve index, and have enough money to spare for a 4090, and a computer to put it in
@arunaschlevickas322 10 місяців тому
4090 is overkill for valve index tho. If you can spend 2k on a gpu you could definitely spend extra 150 on vive pro 2 with better res or something. Just nitpicking i guess
@qwertmom 10 місяців тому
Vr gaming headsets just aren’t worth it yet
@scbond 10 місяців тому
Don’t buy one then. That’ll show ‘em!
@draginator6 10 місяців тому
I've already got the index and a rig for my engineering workload but I'm really interested in the vision pro. I can't wait to try one for myself to see if the screens are good enough to actually replace a monitor.
@ThecatThecat-hq1op 10 місяців тому
@@qwertmom Not enough stuff to do with them once you get them, but otherwise, I'd say the quest 2 or Pico 4 are very cheap. They are about the same price as a nice pair of "normie" (for lack of a better word) headphones.
@Ariel-hb6kv 10 місяців тому
I feel like the AR goggles are more of an experiment to see what type of interest there is in it
@joaco545 10 місяців тому
I see them more as competition to stuff like Vajo XR-3, which IIRC its about twice the apple headset price
@jerry27syd 10 місяців тому
They have been around for some time, i think they are just lacking attention like what apple can influence the world.
@thenbenagcz3931 10 місяців тому
I put lcd screen in my scooba diving and now is waterproof and Better than Apple
@generallyunimportant 10 місяців тому
unless they can tile windows on my bathroom floor i'm not even considering it
@Piketom1 10 місяців тому
It seems like the initial version of the product is about doing two things at once. It is a cool piece of tech for wealthy early adopters and gives app developers users who will actually download and use initial apps for the device. Give it another 5 years and AR won’t be nearly as bulky as the Vision Pro and will have far more useful applications in the real world.
@costafilh0 10 місяців тому
Imagine a front roll seat with multiple 4K120HDR cameras stitched together for a 360º point of view of one of the best seats watching the match live. The feed would be done of the whole thing. And every user would access a portion of the feed accordingly to their head movement. This could give millions of people front seat experience for a fraction of the cost and wouldn't be the same but it would still be an AMAZING experience compared to a TV. Same would go for motor sport. Imagine 360º views from helmet of the drivers, multiple seats on the track, drones, helicopters, etc. The possibilities are AMAZING! That is the type of VR I want. AR will only be good enough for ne when you don't need passthrough, just a transparent screen on a pair of normal glasses.
@EmazingGuitar 10 місяців тому
I bet they are going to test new technology and sensors on the vr platform for a while with the idea for some of the tech to trickle down and downsize to the iPhones and watches
@hikatchus 10 місяців тому
The vision looks super tempting to a solo liver, but if the average customer is just using it for tv, you would have to buy one for EVERY person who wanted to watch alongside you. This will not be replacing tvs anytime soon
@Cazammaf 10 місяців тому
Think of this product as more like a stepping stone for innovation in this area of technology.
@SuperMarijus 10 місяців тому
@@Cazammaf will be very interesting to see in a couple of years how much impact this particular headset had to the xr market
@Cazammaf 10 місяців тому
@@SuperMarijus exactly yeah
@bobsag1164 10 місяців тому
This seems like the first major step into neurally integrated UI. If apple sticks to this it’s both scary and exciting to see what future versions of this will look like
@MarriedWithBackpacks 10 місяців тому
Having to buy one for everyone in my family would be the same price as a small car. Yeah, that's not happening. But I am really intrigued to use it for work. So much so, that I bought a quest 2 to see if I can actually get used to it.
@snakeplissken8887 10 місяців тому
Imagine the repair bill on the vision pro if anything goes wrong. Micro-led tech is not cheap and I am guessing that the repair procedure on one of those is not going to be easy, especially if most of the internal components are soldered down. Given the track record on pro devices being 1 year warranty, that's a very hard sell.
@seanholmes8290 10 місяців тому
Apple will just recommend you buy a new one. They played that game with be years ago.
@bassyey 10 місяців тому
Easy, just buy a new one. We know you'll like it. - Apple
@yuiski 10 місяців тому
i'm still just trying to imagine why they thought glass on the front is a good idea.. one drop and its done for
@BrazenRain 10 місяців тому
When one sensor breaks they'll charge you $1500 to replace the board
@glebglub 10 місяців тому
@@yuiski set it down one single time on anything other than a pure silk pillow stuffed with phoenix down = scratches everywhere
@jay31415 9 місяців тому
4:06 Says "It's doing all of this wirelessly" while panning to a picture of a wire sticking out of someone's head.
@MySuperman96 10 місяців тому
The vision pro ad before the vid seems well placed😂
@Collin_J 10 місяців тому
You could deploy a fleet of Meta Quest 2s for the price of one headset. I get that it's more advanced... but wow that price is massive. Napkin math says that's almost the same as what I paid for two desktops, tv, 2 monitors, Oculus Rift S, M1 Air, my phone (not my partners phone we did just run out of budget for that) and 5.1 surround system that supplies all the entertainment in our apt.
@ikarus1111a 10 місяців тому
Quest 3 499 usd and quest 2 back to 299.
@MattMusky 10 місяців тому
I thought the main reason Microsoft wasn't targeting consumers with Hololens was cause the price point of $3500 was too high. Guess this means we'll see Hololens 3 sometime soon
@laughingvampire7555 10 місяців тому
because Apple is the few companies that can charge that much because they have a legion of rabbid fans who will work their asses of just to buy the next iThing. I want to the hate them so bad because they are an anti-competition asshole company
@xXQuickpawXx 10 місяців тому
Hololens released before the tech had really matured and wouldn't have gotten the same adoption or app support. Govt/military contract became a much better option.
@ninamatthews8747 10 місяців тому
Apple is always willing to be more expensive than its competitors
@ancientslav4863 10 місяців тому
It's cringe looking, can't wear outside room cause people will think you are a lost scuba diver. Cringe, overpriced and I guess after some time impractical, boring, and pushing your head and ears like crazy
@k.vn.k 10 місяців тому
Hololens was canceled not because of the price. Their technology sucks ball and fails.
@taxineil1 10 місяців тому
When they manage to reduce the size to contact lens,then I'll be interested.
@james2042 10 місяців тому
One small tidbit that everyone seems to be missing with augmented reality headsets is the industrial space. The ability for an on site technician to have a live feed going to a technical support engineer where you have experts with all sorts of resources, knowledge and diagrams, being able to feed info directly to the technician, live, in real time. My company is testing this out where say I'm working on a piece of equipment, and the ability for the support engineer to be able to highlight parts and relay schematics to me in real time, allowing me to see exactly what I need to repair equipment, makes both of our jobs easier. Also it speeds up equipment recovery time which means lower cost and more happiness to the customer. Honestly I could see even see companies going a step further as the technology matures and the ability to generate 3D models of the equipment in VR, and then overlay them with the reality becomes a thing. Like you cant see a connector you're looking for, and you can just have it highlight in the 3D virtual space thats overlayed with the physical tool. I even see AR as a means to have multiple users on the same piece of equipment, as they all link into the equipment, but based on their purpose they are displayed different software. An operator might see a simple screen to operate the equipment while the technician sees the diagnostics menu and a product engineer might see development interfaces, all while not needing any physical screen at the tool. Just walk up to it, hit connect (in the virtual space) and it logs you in with your headset credentials and gives you what you're supposed to have. And with lots of industrial environments having huge conflicts of intellectual property, moving it all to personalized headsets would drastically reduce issues. The only thing I'm worried about is the long term effects on your eyes of wearing it constantly. How badly are VR and AR headsets going to hurt your eyes. Will we see increases in migraines, will we see more people losing vision. How will they compensate for people with glasses, I can't wear contacts. Prescription headset lenses?
@larsmurdochkalsta8808 10 місяців тому
I always wondered what the distinctly weird undertones of the sims community was about and the fact that it's one of the few games available on Mac clarifies a lot
@glebglub 10 місяців тому
you've never seen the price for the sims + all DLC, have you? £1000 on Steam
@joshj88 10 місяців тому
I play the sims 1 on my old Mac I think.
@rp6782 10 місяців тому
Nailed it. I’m fine with Mac because the sims is literally the only game I play.
@SirFaceFone 10 місяців тому
What undertones?
@gamingweeb2-842 10 місяців тому
Checked steam, Sims 3 and 4 aren’t even on Mac
@dave-000 10 місяців тому
How i feel when people regard $3500 as mildly expensive, can't even be put in words.
@Steamrick 10 місяців тому
It's not for you and me... for enterprise customers, $3500 really is 'mildly expensive'.
@MrCroky123 10 місяців тому
Yeah, but you're not part of the restricted Apple club, where money is secondary, aren't you ? .... and "Applers" don't complain about the price of Apple products because you'll be automatically booed as a poor low life.
@TheArizus 10 місяців тому
It's "midly expensive" for businesses, pro users and enthusiasts. It's called the Vision PRO for a reason
@cormoran2303 10 місяців тому
@@TheArizus I'm an enthusiast. There's no way in hell I'd spend anywhere close to their asking price.
@AlexSchladetsch 10 місяців тому
@@cormoran2303 You're not their target demo then lol
@dvxAznxvb 10 місяців тому
I’m surprised they went with microLED; it’s very expensive but it makes it seem like its a good deal since theres two displays for two eyes It’s not as expensive as i would of thought but would of preferred a m2 max or ultra for the SOC; i wonder if they are gonna gimp you for RAM or storage
@el6700 10 місяців тому
For its specs it’s surprisingly cheaper than leading headsets
@johndeaux8815 10 місяців тому
I’m happy with Apple returning to their roots, making overpriced products and reinvesting into RND, while we get to reap the benefits of their competitors response in the next couple years.
@1989ElLoco 10 місяців тому
@Azer1125 10 місяців тому
Competitors haven't caught up to Apple silicon
@Sayin42 10 місяців тому
@@antoniohagopian213 which is?…
@alanharper23 10 місяців тому
⁠@@antoniohagopian213 I don’t know a single laptop that can compete with a MacBook Pro across price, performance, battery life, and form factor. What do you believe is way ahead?
@medusa8617 10 місяців тому
@@antoniohagopian213I don’t understand how people like you can lie so easily. Then again, your types are not very educated to begin with.
@camaira_birds-views 10 місяців тому
The Vision Pro is extremely impressive. So impressive in fact, that I have my doubts if all really works so well in the real world... We'll see when the first units hit Tech UKpostsrs and the market
@PMARC14 10 місяців тому
Well it is releasing way later, so hundred percent bet majority of software is buggy as all hell, but mostly complete. The wait to release is for Apple to polish it and gets software from devs.
@How3Kiwi 10 місяців тому
Can’t trust anything until proper reviews are out, but Marques Brownlee claims he’s tried it and was very impressed with the demo performance, going so far as to call it “magical.”
@eulehund99 10 місяців тому
​@@How3Kiwi he called the eye tracking magical, not the whole device
@mrblack576 10 місяців тому
@@How3Kiwi can you trust marcus and ijustine these days .....
@pelmenis 10 місяців тому
@@mrblack576 no u can not, both apple fans
@pascalillustration3650 10 місяців тому
The Vision Pro is actually a very advanced View-Master 😄
@bluephreakr 10 місяців тому
The hilarious thing about the AR glasses is that Apple expects people to remain tethered to a power source at all times. This is always the problem with AR' needing to wear literally a suit of lithium battery packs just to get a decent days' use out of them.
@TheStonesQT93 10 місяців тому
Very compelling point. Personally, I’d love to have it despite that. But that’s just me, I won’t use this for more than 1.5-2 hours at a time. Doubt others have the same low stamina that I do. Maybe this could also be a good thing. There’s a hinderance to over using it. I think it’s an interesting to see how this device will be actually used. Would most use it for movies? Games? Work? That would make the extent of the battery issue more clear
@bluephreakr 10 місяців тому
​@@TheStonesQT93 I think the real problem here is the fact that Apple's shoving a whole-ass computer into something that's meant for just displaying things. Wade Nixon / DankPods had issues with his Pro Display monitor after _a firmware update._ I think making it an independent unit is the wrong approach. We can emulate a PCIe 3.0 4x connection using a USB-C cable and Intel Thunderbolt. There's literally nothing stopping anyone from having these AR devices dependent on a high-end tablet with higher-end I / O supporting such a thing, and it would be cheaper, with longer battery life because less hardware is involved. With how powerful handsets and tablets are becoming, and with how thin laptops are being, there's _no point_ in making this something which is independent. Attach it to a phone for AR, attach it to a PC for virtual displays. Compromise a little on the display tech (lower res front-display with 30 FPS) or omit it completely and go full Google Glasses, reprising the reviled "Glasshole". Certainly it'll look a lot less goofy than… _this._ This thing isn't winning anything except for most over-engineered AR / XR solution. Apple is the Sony in this fight, while mediocrity dependent on another computer will reign supreme
@JaredWeide-gw6vg 10 місяців тому
@@bluephreakr They want to pioneer spatial computing. You need a new operating system for that. If you run that from another device, it essentially becomes a tower instead of another device/master. I'm still seeing people struggle with responsive design. I can't imagine how hard product managers are going to fumble spatial reasoning breakpoints. Imagine a world with the Taco Bell app glitching out and you'll have to order your tacos off the floor.
@bluephreakr 10 місяців тому
@@JaredWeide-gw6vg Reads like a CollegeHumor skit.
@JaredWeide-gw6vg 10 місяців тому
@@Mcchn199 My comment was about the OS, not the battery. I would prefer a larger "tower" fanny pack or something over having it in the headset. But the caveat there is that it's one system. If there were two OS's, the spatial computing would only be available when it's slaved.
@Roboto82 10 місяців тому
Impressive stuff but it's only for industry and the rich at that price. The good thing is it will hopefully drive competitors to build better but cheaper devices moving forward, which is great for everyone.
@BranchBruh 10 місяців тому
@ricercr44 10 місяців тому
Eh, maybe just the mildly wealthy or those with disposable income. Lots of people will buy it.
@Rctdcttecededtef 10 місяців тому
Give it 15 to 20 years
@Rctdcttecededtef 10 місяців тому
@@ricercr44 financing options incoming
@bobmarley2140 10 місяців тому
@@ricercr44 No I really don't think so, people who are mildly wealthy and have disposable income usually don't have the time to sit around and play with a AR headset and the Nerds who are passionate about this stuff don't want apple products so their customer base is small
@aLfRemArShMeLlOw 10 місяців тому
At 3500$, the Vision Pro is impossible to justify, unless you're rich.
@Nicba1010 10 місяців тому
Honestly compared to the hardware inside it’s not any more of an egregious price than a 16 inch mbp
@0106johnny 10 місяців тому
It would be great for industrial applications that use augmented reality except that Apple boxes you in so much that it's really hard to integrate it into existing infrastructure...
@adventurefaps9571 10 місяців тому
if you own one, you deserve more taxes
@filipecoelho9855 10 місяців тому
As well as everything Apple does. It's a luxury brand
@sybex200 10 місяців тому
It's a not a product for end user.They are targeting companies.How expensive can be for o company like Microsoft ?
@user-ph1qr9yl6h 7 місяців тому
The only people more out of their minds than Apple, are the people buying Apple products.
@Tenly2009 10 місяців тому
How do the goggles access local storage? Mounted network drives? Or something faster? Do we get the same terminal (as MacOS) in VisionOS? Is VisionOS an upgrade to MacOS or to iPadOS?
@conormurphy4328 10 місяців тому
The price tag makes it really easy
@XanderFenikkusu 10 місяців тому
This is dystopian. Hating Apple is easier than ever.
@tswan137 10 місяців тому
I dunno man. I'm black mirror black-pilled and this looks enticing. Eye-tracking through every possible app through an encrypted "back' layer? I mean... Solved. They fixed it. I'm not scared anymore.
@freedmanjoshua 10 місяців тому
I'm not a Steve Jobs fan by any means, but I wonder what he would say about the growing disconnection from nature. $3500 to wear a headset that replaces all your stuff, and puts you in your own little world, without the need to ever leave your comfy single person chair, in your dark, dingy, underground apartment. All so you can keep up with people that don't even blink at the $3500 price tag.
@Im_Spongebob 10 місяців тому
This resolition is going to destroy your eyes quicker than a M.O.A.B with the resolution. Also depends on how much you look outside.
@fruitduck2094 10 місяців тому
Imagine saying a consumer-grade product is dystopian XD
@test1122lol 10 місяців тому
They literally just changed the world with their new unique product...
@Adam-wt5id 10 місяців тому
I chill on my 12 inch ipad pro pretty hard. Its all business but i do have youtube and the streamings on it and it definitely is great for chilling
@excyl 10 місяців тому
What I would love to have is the Vision Pro that I can run from a MacBook or MacPro and have it as an external display. Having it stand alone is awesome, but I would just like to have my normal desktop setup with the windows being positioned freely in 3D space. I tried building something for my HTC Vive but that one lacks the pixels to make text readable and a comfortable level. Since I run some apps that are not MacOS/iOS apps it's probably not going to fit my use case, nonetheless I think it's impressive if it works as mentioned.
@SkaterStimm 10 місяців тому
I bet the color depth is better than most external displays also.
@digheanurag 10 місяців тому
It does that. Look at some demos. It can take your macbook and blow up the screen. Very impressive.
@fullstop7457 10 місяців тому
Whenever I am tempted to go back to Apple, I remember the words ‘planned obsolescence’ and ‘soldered CPUs’.
@wingmanemu3473 10 місяців тому
i dont understand the "soldered cpu" part being bad, can you elaborate?
@LaBeIIe 10 місяців тому
@@wingmanemu3473 can't replace the CPU. They're not made to be upgraded ever
@MrYeet-mz6wu 10 місяців тому
I feel like those things aren't really Apple exclusive, and they can honestly apply to basically any ginormous tech company as of late.
@Tomatech 10 місяців тому
not to mention sandboxing, ecosystem lock, and the artificial "green bubble phenomenon" that america has
@progenitor_amborella 10 місяців тому
Not at all disagreeing, but uh, soldered CPUs have been standard in laptops for a very long time now. Even in a Framework you replace the whole board because that’s just how mobile CPUs are to reduce energy waste.
@HamCraft 10 місяців тому
Apple Hotel: $50000 per night
@nsn2635 10 місяців тому
More like $100000000000000000000 per night
@christianmccauley7340 10 місяців тому
It’d be the best goddamn night of your life tho. Apple will fuck your wallet, and then fuck you personally if you ask nicely lmao.
@mikuskasspele7722 10 місяців тому
Pro ultra hotel 24000$ a night
@what_is_left 10 місяців тому
nah man one night is alot more like every 6 hours and you can add another $5000 to get the pro room
@NexusLiteOS 10 місяців тому
Apple Hotel : With tax, which concludes it's around $1B.
@Thewaterspirit57 10 місяців тому
I was really hoping we’d get maybe some Alder lake/Raptor lake or new generation AMD Epyc or threadripper style Mac Pro revision…..But nope. We just get some device that can’t be upgraded by ourselves, and can only use other PCIE related devices. Even though the maximum configuration of the Mac Pro is far less than the maximum for the older version with Xeon processors, it’s kinda dumb we lose that good part of the Mac Pro. I mean…. That amazing case, along with a 4090 would’ve been neat.
@bobthecpaontheloose4141 10 місяців тому
Future iterations should see miniaturization - remember the early bag cell phones?
@Sashan2012 10 місяців тому
Shocked you didn't mention the massive issue with the Macbook Air 15". The £1,300 base config still only comes with 8gb ram, and 256gb ssd. And it is £200 to upgrade to 16gb and £200 to get to 512gb ssd. I mean, in what world is that an acceptable baseline or upgrade cost? When 32gb of the fastest ddr5 is under £150 and a 2tb Sabrant Rocket 4 Plus nvme is under £150. For the £1,300 you should be getting 16gb ram and 512gb ssd as standard.
@alouiciouswrex7141 10 місяців тому
He's on autopilot and the writer was shilling. Think the Scary Movie 3 scene with the news teleprompter.
@ThecatThecat-hq1op 10 місяців тому
The title was BS, dont trust it.
@OswinNightingale 10 місяців тому
Can't wait for all that new personal data generated by the headset to be used for totally legitimate reasons that keep them private.
@HiUnidentified 10 місяців тому
now they dont only have your face to sell but even an iris scan lol
@techmoneymogul 10 місяців тому
Fingerprint too from old iphone 🤣🤦‍♂️💀
@gandalfwiz20007 10 місяців тому
Wait until you see people with that on their heads, watch pron, jinkin off and an Apple employee watches them using that "all round privacy" hardware on the headset😂😂😂
@HiUnidentified 10 місяців тому
@@gandalfwiz20007 yeah data aint worth shit if the ones youd sell it to can see it as well ;) ah the lovely scandals regarding those breaches lately.
@station7thedoor 10 місяців тому
For the Vision Pro, what about wireless (cellular) support? Does it have eSIM? 5G?
@BalancedSoundscape 10 місяців тому
What about ​designing Macmini & Mac Studio with built-in R1 & M2 chips, connected through thunderbolt 4 to Vision lite (having camera array and LIDAR sensor
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