Top 5 most annoying ForHonor Teammates

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@el_slender Рік тому
How would you rank these personally and is there someone that I forgot?
@ferdinandionita1216 Рік тому
"The beach noob"
@ballsackripper1239 Рік тому
Seasonal soundtrack tierlist when?
@jarlGudmunder Рік тому
The dude who stays at one zone and never leaves ever
@pingouuiin Рік тому
I can't stand the ones that do a running attack EVERYTIME when they come into a fight, and the ones that give up when there is a bit of difficulty in a match, leaving you with bots to finish the game
@Odyssey__ Рік тому
The people who join breach just to leave because they died one too many times. It makes it even worse because they typically leave after the 1st gate, so we can't even get another teammate
@abbattior Рік тому
Most annoying type of enemy? It has to be the Kyoshin sitting in his stance waiting for an external attack to his his guard.
@CulltureShock Рік тому
Gb him
@Zero-tk1hb Рік тому
@@CulltureShock yeah, lock yourself into a animation and eat a heavy for free. That is the anoying part of kyoshin on 4v4 or 2v2, by just beeing close to you he locks some of your moves, puts pressure on you by spaming ublocables and if you try to GB him his teamate is there to hit you out of that. Your best option is to wait and hope someone comes to help you to put some distance between him and his teeamate so you can do something.
@CulltureShock Рік тому
Then bash him
@DanielRodriguez-dt9rt Рік тому
@@CulltureShock you’d better have a quick bash then cuz if not you’re screwed
@josephhopkins357 Рік тому
Dawg the twirling Kyoshins are annoying as hell😂as soon as they start twirling I just back dodge so I’m out of range, let them wiff and then wreck em. And what’s funny is it’s like the don’t learn and keep doing it so I repeat the process😂
@lukeshado5468 Рік тому
The enemy that emote spams when they kill you in a gank but are God awful in a 1v1.
@xiwolfman2130 Рік тому
Ohhhhh gotta feel great when kill them the most
@stephen89guy Рік тому
THIS comment🤣🤣🤣🤣
@xxyodagamerxx3819 Рік тому
I like it when I beat him so hard the next match
@NetherTaker Рік тому
Or worse: They just happen to show up after someone else killed you and they still tbag like they did something
@Crestfallen_Warrior 10 місяців тому
Dont call me out like that bro
@precursoryt Рік тому
I got one for you: Guys that spam for revive while you’re obviously occupied fighting for your life next to their corpse 💀
@alexbenge1605 Рік тому
Don't forget the people who spam for revive when 3 enemies are surrounding their corpse, like you can just slip in there and revive them somehow and not die.
@longarmclearlyisop7454 Рік тому
Yeah or the teammate that asks for help then gets mad when you help them
@kurbiskuchenliebhaber Рік тому
personally hate players that ping for help when they dont need it or should be able to handle themselves
@stephen89guy Рік тому
Right...bruh im tryna NOT be a corpse NEXT to a corpse🤣🤣
@stephen89guy Рік тому
@@longarmclearlyisop7454 Wait what? U serious?
@griffin8690 Рік тому
you also forgot one important type: The Leavers They will leave the game at the second when they will taste defeat or thinking they will lose the match (that mostly happens on consoles, for some reason)
@elganso9124 Рік тому
another day playing breach be like
@criticasniper4 Рік тому
It is even worse when they get replaced by lvl 1 or 2 bots
@aberger6666 Рік тому
Lol, i quit about 90% of all breach games. Didn't know ppl get mad about it since I don't get mad about leaving teammates either.
@RoutaAskel Рік тому
Look, if someone leaves beacause they are losing, you're right, those guys are annoying. That being said, if I play Breach, and my team doesn't contribute, does the most asinine shit possible, I'm leaving, and I don't blame anyone ese who does so either. I've tried to capture/defend rampart by myself against full team so many times, and it's getting annoying. I rather lose with team than do all the work while others are clowning around
@alexanderrubio7500 Рік тому
Clearly those losers havent seen baki, those guys literally seeking defeat and sustaining brain damage repeatedly just to fight once more, and then we have the manchilds here, truly the worst players of all time.
@maniacalgrunt1822 Рік тому
Personally the worst one is the guy who interrupts punishes
@stephen89guy Рік тому
Thats literally 96% of my games. ESPECIALLY when u really needed the health on execution. Im stuck there like 😐
@quinntonimo420 Рік тому
as a shaman main, that is true pain
@thedogguy2137 Рік тому
As a highlander main, this hurts
@maniacalgrunt1822 Рік тому
Highlander, pk, shaman mains all of us just experience pain and suffering with random teammates
@comoqueunaurl Рік тому
True, I will be honest on my first days playing for honor, I do that with shaman teammates by accident. Now I don’t interfere until my teammate needs help.
@nikofranco5755 Рік тому
The thing is almost no one plays brawls like that, it's almost always 1v1's until someone ganks after getting mad that they lost their battle. It's usually the gankers in the game mode that are toxic and funnily enough they end up loosing and sending hate messages. I give props to you for letting enemy know when you are going to gank.
@xPhantom_404x 6 місяців тому
@Daniel-bd8ot Рік тому
I envy players who are motivated enough to emote/quick chat spam, because my lazy ass can't even be bothered with these extra inputs
@HUNT736 Рік тому
The type of teammates that frustrate me the most is randoms in Dominion who don't play the objectives. They always chase a kill that isn't needed never clear minion lane and don't contest enemy or ally points when needed often causing a loss
@slothboi7131 Рік тому
the type of player I hate in dominion is the one that leaves the point right when it needs to be held to keep the enemy breaking just to seek a kill or clown around.
@notsogreensalad7394 Рік тому
I agree
@nobody4732 Рік тому
Tunnel vision players, just played a game where this happened teammates went to A to kill a Conq the entire game while I got slammed at B and C lol
@-cheerio- Рік тому
I usually hold a spot until I see my teammates need help or the lane needs to be taken care of
@Thundermikeee 11 місяців тому
ahh the good old dominion is just fancy deathmatch ...
@ninjahamstor Рік тому
The problem I have with this game is people use the quick chat in such a toxic way. And when people genuinely make mistakes and when they use the quick chat “Sorry!” I can’t tell if they’re doing it on purpose or not still.
@coneman981 Рік тому
@darwynberry57 Рік тому
Allow me to translate with what I know. 1 WOW= my teammates just stole my kill. 3 WOWs= I was ganked, spammed, etc. 1 thanks= thanks for reviving me or thanks for helping me from being ganked. 3 thanks= toxic (watch out for this one. If he kills it, he will thanks spam it) 1 Sorry=sorry 3 Sorrys= I’m really sorry for stealing your kill or killing you accidentally (from teammate) or I’m really sorry I attacked you while you were emoting.
@barozukos7791 Рік тому
​@@darwynberry57 3 sorrys can also come from people acknowledging that they killed you in a scummy way on purpose and are being toxic about it, i see that much more often than genuinely apologizing
@joshcollins4908 Рік тому
The most annoying teammate for me is one that is just constantly attacking regardless if their teammate is clearly in the way. I understand that accidentally hitting a teammate happens. But constantly doing it is the worst. It doesn't take a genius to realize you are injuring a teammate just to steal a kill.
@mammothcheese9575 Рік тому
In my opinion, the objective isn't to win, that's what Ranked is for, the objective in a game is to have fun, and if you are honourable in a 2v2 or 4v4 gamemode you go for it, make sure you enjoy yourself, just don't be a saltbag to the detriment of your team and the enemy team, everyone should be here to have fun, it is a game, enjoy yourself.
@dexrexpex 11 місяців тому
First non brain dead comment ive seen
@tHefLLwuP 8 місяців тому
Nah go play duels if you want a 1v1, you’re getting reported every time I see someone trying to be honorable at my expense. The other team isn’t going to be
@ironmaiden93ofangmar Рік тому
With number 2, I partly disagree. If someone indicates they want to have "real brawls" the way you mentioned, then fine I'll play along. But just like you said that it's fine for people to want two duels rather than teamfights as long as everyone agrees to it, I would say the opposite: it's fine to want teamfights instead of two duels as long as everyone agrees with it. In fact, you can force the match to be a team fight; you CAN'T force the match to be two duels. So if you're the only one insinuating a teamfight, you're forcing the teamfight on the other 3 players who maybe just want two duels. I would play along for the sake of playing along, and then leave because I wouldn't want to continue playing with you. But I wouldn't blame others if they don't want to play like that. Also you said, the main objective is to win any means necessary. For many, that's the main objective, AFTER having fun. I want to go on a match and have fun. And to me, having two duels in brawls is more fun than a clusterfuck of a teamfight. To you it isn't though. And that's fine. So, sure I want to win, and I'll do what I can to win, but I'll do it under the condition that I'm playing in a fun manner to me. And again, if you try to force a teamfight, I'll play a long but if I don't have fun, which is likely, I'll just leave afterwards, and hopefully you'll find others who like to teamfight. Which you'll probably do, so it's fine. But you may still find others who don't want to play the way you play. Everything I said can also apply to deathmatch. And in deathmatch in particular, if the enemy team is ganking then I'll definitely gank and try to win as sweaty as I can. But if they're not and we're all enjoying ourselves, then I won't get in the way. And if a teammate decides to gank and ruin the experience for most of us, then I may or may not gank, depending on how the other team responds (if they only gank that teammate, I won't gank. If they gank all of us, I'll just get it over with and gank same as them) And before anyone argues "it's a 2v2" or "it's a 4v4" and "it's meant to be a teamfight", I can argue that the devs meant the mode to be played as duels as well, considering we all spawn at different locations. My point being, it can be argued that it's meant to be a teamfight, as well as individual duels, and it depends on the lobby and what each person wants. So either way it's fine.
@tenyasha4398 Рік тому
Well said
@silvanatteveld6637 Рік тому
Based beyond belief
@amekwee Рік тому
thank you 🙏
@jessiecanales4684 Рік тому
@nathancurnutt8074 Рік тому
Exactly this. The honor shit came from the massive amount of dark souls players that came into this game during year 1 who just applied our fight club rules to brawl and death match since it was a popular thing to do in all the pvp areas in every souls game. I personally like what they've become so I have no complaints, but what these people who haven't played dark souls don't understand is that there is some more rules other than don't gank and emote before fighting. The prime example is you do NOT fucking heal mid fight unless you have a way in your build to do so. I'm certain if something like shield existed in dark souls everyone would count that as healing which would lead to the other rule, if you break any of the major rules of the fight club (the emoting is more being polite so it doesn't really count) your ass is getting ganked by everyone in the world at the moment. Ganking a rule breaker is quite literally IN the honor code they follow so dearly
@xsmajesty666 Рік тому
As a new shaman main, i hate when people smack me out of my bite thats going to kill someone about to pop revenge, let a man eat in peace
@MouseMcCain Рік тому
If you have a teammate who plays Nobushi and you either choose to or are forced to gank, the constant bleed from both of you makes a neck buffet lol. Just gotta hope the Nob isnt a heavy spammer cause theyll knock you out of your animation 90% of the time with that
@vd6070 Рік тому
Recently started playing Warmonger and in one of my early matches I noticed the shaman coming over to the point I was on fighting a Cent. So, I did a light, assured claw, light followup the claw. Little bit of bleed, seemingly out of nowhere. And then the Centurion, probably wondering if I'm about to start light spamming, gets pinned down and ripped into by a tiny feral viking. I waited for the animation to play, and once the Shaman got their damage in I went for a top heavy while the guard wasn't up. Admittedly, I did time it wrong and hit the Shaman too right as they were in the getting up animation, but they still got the damage in and the Cent still died then and there. It's rewarding to set up for your teammates, especially if that teammate is a feral monster with a knack for causing severe and nigh untreatable wounds.
@olakpasa6486 Рік тому
@@vd6070 as a shaman player , whenever I see a pk , nobu or warmonger on my team , I start salivating
@tristenrichards5921 Рік тому
If I'm being honest I don't think win at all costs is a good mindset. If people have fun by playing in a less optimal way then I think that's perfectly okay. Sure, seeing the defeat screen sucks but I'm not going to sit there and get mad at someone for playing a bad character or going for 1v1s or in any way playing the game in a different way from what I think because not everyone plays the same. Personally, I like having 1v1s and not ganking sometimes because, like you said, it's very difficult to win an anti gank and I get ganked all the time so having a break from that is nice. I will say people interrupting punishes is annoying but I'll do it by mistake sometimes even though I have the knowledge of most common punishes so I think there should be some level of leeway there. I guess what I'm trying to say is that having a certain mindset for this game helps because it gets a reputation for being frustrating and having crappy people so I'd say just try to have fun and don't take it too seriously, going in with that mindset usually makes be have a better time playing the game. Instead of getting mad at someone for ruining your punish, just think "everyone makes mistakes". Instead of getting mad that someone won't gank or teamfight, respect their opinion of how they think the game should be played. I get that there are limits to this but I do think forgiving at least a little really increases the fun aspect a lot more.
@bad3619 Рік тому
Yeah but if people want duels, they can play duels. 4vs4 is a team fighting game mode which brings ganks with it. Brawls is a 2vs2 game mode, which brings team fights and ganks with it. There's a separate playlist for people who want duels.
@toasteroven227 Рік тому
Half the time I don't even take the game serious. They will be some rounds were all I do is just heavies and still get sent hate mail for it for spamming lights. Or teammates actually sucking the game but still get mad of their own teammates for coming in late and fighting then losing to one enemy. Now I don't play the game that much but it has been 3 years but I only play like once or twice every two weeks. Because I have school to study, I have a fiance and I'm work a lots of work to get a house. But small Discord for Honor players always criticize me for playing the same character and telling me that I suck or I'm toxic for not wanting to play any other hero like I'm perfectly comfortable where I am I don't need to learn another character sometimes I suck sometimes I'm good. rep 70 doesn't mean I'm good I'm human I make mistakes. The community side I tried to get involved with for fun could sometimes be a little toxic. But I think it's just what they like they don't look at my videos until it has to do something with hate mail or someone getting angry. And I think maybe that's what this for Honor Community likes they like a little drama so most online players like to start emo spamming in hopes to get hate mail and then post it online saying that "see this guy is so angry at me for just playing the game" This game is too fun, winning or losing. That why I keep coming back to play
@chrissant6277 Рік тому
@@bad3619 Yea more people would be playing duels if it weren't for the 5 minute load time.
@bad3619 Рік тому
@@chrissant6277 That's true. I get that.
@_SUPERN0VA_ Рік тому
The guy thinks winning in a video Game earns him something in real life🤣
@tiodosalgado5860 Рік тому
The worts team mates are the ones that refuse to group up and decide to go alone while the enemy team keeps moving like a pack destroying us one by one
@duce_hosk7730 Рік тому
Oh god that's me XD
@fckyoutube-je6qd 4 дні тому
@duce_hosk7730 3 дні тому
@@fckyoutube-je6qd simple man, I hate fighting in groups and I love getting ganked
@seanbean3880 Рік тому
So for me, and what ive noticed, is generally brawls start as 2 duels. But the second my teammate or the enemy teams swaps targets and attacks it switches to 2v2.
@p4ladin167 Рік тому
In the annoying tyoes of enemies i'd definetly put the assassin class player who simply becomes Usain MF'ing Bolt the moment their health drops below 50%.
@Sacrocide Рік тому
You just summed up every team I get stuck with in Breach. Capturing the ramparts as a team is apparently an alien concept to most breach players.
@mvffincrusader3579 Рік тому
I gotta say there is a difference between an honortard and an honorable/fair player
@notachocolatecake23 Рік тому
You forgot the "prove my worth" guy who charges back to fhe same point to 1v1 someone who's killed him 8 times already.
@robzilla8084 2 місяці тому
Even a sped up wl bp dual hurts. Dude a grew a full beard watching it
@bluejuju7701 Рік тому
Another annoying type: Revenge Runners Teammates that feed revenge and then proceed to run away from that enemy, leaving the person fighting him to die
@ookibbleoo6638 Рік тому
The most annoying enemy is definitely your teamate knocking you out of every attack that you have while you are trying to fight someone
@-Magnus. Рік тому
I hate when a teammate feed revenge but doesn't have the balls to fight the opponent after doing it. You can call me stupid but if I feed revenge i stay fighting, its my fault. Also, I don't like opponents who once give you revenge, they literally run away. So I wont become one
@xxyodagamerxx3819 Рік тому
If my teammate is feeding revenge I will let him die alone that’s simple
@Thebigfinal Рік тому
I have had teammates countless times make them pop yellow then immediately roll and run, leaving me to die from their mistakes, losing a zone, and being fresh executed as we dip into breaking.
@patientboat1979 Рік тому
I straight up will leave the zone to let my teammate deal with the problem they created
@chrissant6277 Рік тому
Then back up and don't feed revenge?
@-Magnus. Рік тому
@@chrissant6277 You didn't understand
@kobold7964 Рік тому
I want a deathmatch arena designed just for team fighting, like one of the circular arenas and you spawn in a line face-to-face wild-west style.
@redfinite27 Рік тому
So Horkos/Chimera event pretty much.
@viego29 Рік тому
Damn, the community has changed so much since the last time I've been around, it went from embracing honor to hating it
@Setuaro Рік тому
I'm only occasionally an honortard, but that's often got to do with interrupting executions and generally in brawls, I don't really care if we do real brawls or duels separately, but if it's duels & we all do as we do until the last round where we either win or lose- and the enemy only THEN decides to interrupt my execution with his strongest heavy? Yeah. I'll be complaining, that shit makes me salty asf x'D
@chrissant6277 Рік тому
Yea fr
@WCJT2004 Рік тому
List of Heroes Slanderous doesn't know how to fight:
@wildocado5376 Рік тому
i once got called an Honortard because i said that i like peoples that do Emotes and write good fight in chat...
@cheesybeans9476 Рік тому
The part about brawl is that alot of maps specifically separate you and your teammate to force the 1v1 aspect so its annoying when you go out of your way to make into a team fight, but yeah it's annoying when there team do gank you and your teammate kinda just let's it happen
@ldoesart2269 Рік тому
The worst type of teammate in my opinion would have to be zone campers-specially in dominion; you can have 2 guys just standing in A doing nothing while the rest of the team gets massacred for trying to play the objective
@Era-cv9ge Рік тому
Why 2 like 1 should be enough
@SarukiLIAS 11 місяців тому
Fr bro , just getting points of a zone acting like they’re good
@ZacharyDarkes 8 місяців тому
I will take a zone and hold it until I see my team needs help.
@Narko_Marko Рік тому
I don't think i have ever played a brawl match where the enemy team wants to 2v2 from the beginning, they always do it just to win in the end.
@angrydrawings3910 Рік тому
Literally teammate Medjays who only throw side heavies in a gank, and interrupt everything I do
@shakerrn Рік тому
The only problem with doing real 2s is that people don’t necessarily get to play who they want, because it’s very likely they are expecting just 2 duels, that’s not selfish it’s just the norm. This is of course if you think doing real 2s in matchmaking is a good way to actually do real 2s in general. Because no matter which way you put it, it’s always at the expense of the other team, along with the fact that you aren’t getting better if you are facing opponents who weren’t prepared for real 2s. Anyway I’m off to a music festival. Hope you all have a splendid day.
@olaoduntan842 Рік тому
"The only problem with doing real 2s is that people don’t necessarily get to play who they want, because it’s very likely they are expecting just 2 duels, that’s not selfish it’s just the norm." 100%. If i knew it was actual brawls, i won't be playing glad
@Ci1antr0 Рік тому
@@olaoduntan842 If I knew we were team fighting I’d pick a hero that compliments my teammates choice I wouldn’t go Nuxia with my ally going PK
@Alt0001 Рік тому
Reminds me of a breach match where I was the only one defending the rampart meanwhile my teammates are doing god knows what, needless to say we lost.
@thomash8408 Рік тому
Most annoying teammates? Definitely the ones that mess up a punish. Even worse when it goes from a top heavy punish being ruined by a light.
@Racing485 8 місяців тому
Nothing... NOTHING gets me more livid than Honor kids, people who feed revenge and run and people who get ruin my light parry by heavying me in the back
@turneraustin1561 Рік тому
For number 5 another thing is that those people tend to make the whole match toxic and just generally less enjoyable because as soon as he starts emoting and chat spamming it makes the enemy team do the same which in turn makes the rest of your own team do it back. I like games where people aren't a-holes and I definitely agree that the #5 people can turn a fun match into an unfun toxic one
@cIoudbank Рік тому
i think the brawl thing depends on the map, did the map spawn us together or separate? adjust accordingly :)
@mistercrumbling1694 Рік тому
I respect honor when the enemy is breaking letting them get a fun gauntlet and a chance to turn the game around
@Inferno446 Рік тому
The most annoying teammates are the guys that constantly go to a single point even though the entire enemy team is there
@izzydarkhart4144 8 місяців тому
This reminded me of the first couple of years of this, especially before we started to get new characters and game modes. Everything was extremely honor based, and they took the name for honor seriously, especially brawl. I really loved and respected it, but games took forever. Dominion felt never-ending sometimes. I remember my friends will cus me out for everything, like you could not fight people low on stamina or gang up without everyone freaking out.
@jimbojimbo7756 Рік тому
The most annoying enemy is the guy that gank’s in brawl, then when you win by ganking back he calls you the gamer word.
@oriondonovan6788 Рік тому
The guy that can't take ones and HAS to make every fight a gank. Or the guys that will come in when your about to flawless an enemy, only to take one swing and take your renown. Honestly, it's like people don't understand how renown gain works.
@jansantander9020 Рік тому
I cannot be in dom a game where my teammates don't refuse to leave a point
@krgatshe3810 Рік тому
Most hated thing in dominion is when I look at the map and see my team mosh piting on one point when the other two are cleared of enemies. I swear they have no idea what a +1 on the point bar means and all 4 of them flood to gank one guy on the point closest to us. I can usually tell when we are going to lose 70% of the time when the enemy gets point B first and keeps it for more then 2 minutes.
@justinhendrix5953 Рік тому
the team mate that doesn't know how to clear minions next to another team mate so they just smack you around a bunch.
@tut_3296 Рік тому
The only time I'm backing off from a gank is if I was fighting originally but then my team comes and every attack they throw is hitting me in the back interrupting all my attacks
@joshcollins5362 Рік тому
Just fired up the game in a long time, and I came across my favorite type of enemy: the mosquito. Found predominantly in dominion. This player cannot stand on their own in. 1v1, yet they will absolutely harass during a gank. What makes the mosquito special is the moment they're hit (mostly during a gank), they run off, only to return when they think they've been forgotten. Annoying pests that will bring relief when you catch them and end their harassment.
@mr.unlucky2675 Рік тому
Can you imagine that just after watching this video: I went into a dominion match and I was getting ledged the whole game by warlords who emote spammed.
@nobody4732 Рік тому
For “Toxic” teammates i usually hit their chat spam with an “OK” most of the time they shut up right afterwards.
@dilemma5125 Рік тому
The most annoying types of enemy team are the double orochi, 1 shinobi, and one raider 0-100 set up artists
@Landon-4 Рік тому
Oh an annoying type of enemy is the one that refuses to gano you but will faint heavy’s to mess with you
@Sir_ShadowZ__ Рік тому
The teammates who feed revenge because they don't know how to feint or gank then run away once the opponent uses it.
@sunder4392 Рік тому
I cringed at that warlord throwing the game
@tommycarrizal1656 Рік тому
Bro I feel you on the breach noob thing after a long day at work the last thing I wanna do is carry the entire team and spamming the quick chat so they can actually do something useful
@iagam3r Рік тому
every so often i admit i can be a "god ganker" but i'm trying to more or less pull aggro off team-mates, make myself the big distraction so they can get in proper damage, if i see that isn't working i try to back off. I think you've listed the worst types of players pretty well, though i'm curious what your top X is for best players
@drspinebreaker1767 Рік тому
The god gankers is the thing I agree like just imagine you fought the whole team in breach and you left one to do your executions to get health but one of your team mates take it and acts cool than you are like "really dude"
@beatdeath9962 Рік тому
Most annoying enemy the guy who needs a babysitter to win a fight. OR better yet the guy who sits in an all guard in a gank making it so you can't throw any attacks that aren't a top one or unblockable (unless bp).
@anubivi6928 Рік тому
4:27 ah yes... The horizontally spinning leg
@hannesbornman1045 Рік тому
The best way to expose idiot teammates is to play with either shaman or jorm. I swear the amount of times some idiot comes charhing in to feed revenge while my jorm is trying to OOS punish...
@noprotein311 Рік тому
The thing is with duels youll have two 1v1s most of the time until you get those special guys that surprise gank you and then emote spam
@gradygorham9520 Рік тому
One of my least favorite teammates are the revenge builders. This can be placed in with many categories as well but they just want to kill steal so bad that they spam moves and give the opponent revenge and immediately run away as soon as the opponent gets revenge and pops it off leaving you to be basically screwed. Bonus points if they only come back once the person's revenge wears off just to do it all over again
@MrLakraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Рік тому
the kind of player i hate is the ones that dont know how to be patient, you can be doing a Shugoki hug or a medjay grab and the idiots just keep attacking without letting you do your stuff
@cockanimal4878 Рік тому
Try playing shaman and you'll hate them even more
@choccymilk596 Рік тому
Dont forget about the Overachiever Who always tries to anti gank to always die then complain "WHERE IS MY TEAM???"
@emiliodehoyos3055 Рік тому
The ones that piss me off are the ones who stay in a zone in dominion while they know the whole team is fighting a 3v4 right in front of them but refuse to leave the zone
@ludane9087 Рік тому
There is alot of context missing for the scenario you described. There are plenty of times the enemy team wins the ganks but loses on the the score board. It's not fun to die but I've helped my team win many times by focusing the objectives. I used to get hot-headed and vengeful, but thst usually just make us lose faster. I don't remember the YTr that woke me up to it. Be aware of the map and hit their soft spots. They expect you to be mad and come right back for vengeance. And all 4 will be waiting together to gank you to death again. Beat them on the scoreboard and force them to separate. One reason why I like breach.
@Integer_Overload Рік тому
My favorite thing to do in a gank situation as Conq is run in, Dash Bash to knock them flat and give them a free heavy, then I run away to another point if I believe my teamate can handle it. It grants me such immense amounts of happiness to offer a small helping hand and then leave them to finish up their fight.
@ardaoguzhan8181 Рік тому
%90 of the time you eat a dodge heavy tho
@Integer_Overload Рік тому
@@ardaoguzhan8181 it's far from an optimal gank strat but it's worth it for me for the fun
@mr.unlucky2675 Рік тому
*clears throat* people that leave the match as soon as it starts
@normantent Рік тому
My personal worst if the players that show up out of nowhere when right about to execute you're enemy and they do it for you
@funbro99 Рік тому
My most hated player? The guy that accepts a 1v1 but then ganks when his teammate appears
@georgegaming9105 Рік тому
Enemies that jump in a 1v1 than book it away when you pop revenge imo are the worst
@themphantom9138 Рік тому
In a game called "For Honour" and not fighting with honour because you want to win That's how low my Mentality have devolved, I realised that waiting for a "Duel" to end and not attacking, instead watch as it ends was one of the things I Stopped Doing because *This is War* There are no rules to Duels, and Honour is just a word, Victory is All.
@nahkriinhevnoraak2620 Рік тому
Im mostly honorable because im really good at 1v1s but if i see my teammates getting ganked o start ganking
@Half_Incubus Рік тому
One time on Breach (the match JUST started by the way) I ran to the first rampart and came face to face with a Kensei. He just kept dodge-attacking so I just kept parrying him. One ass-beating later and he left the match 😂
@boxofrocks663 7 місяців тому
highlander's voice sped up is interesting to say the least
@Arnichoutoutou Рік тому
horizontal spinning nobusho glitch
@shaneconlon5915 Рік тому
I feel little to no satisfaction of winning ganks and winning a game from ganking.
@rei2829 Рік тому
I feel called out for the honortard, I started playing the game for the first time like 2 weeks ago, and I play mostly dominion, the thing is whenever I saw a teammate fighting with someone one on one, I dind't interfere and just went to capture another point. I thought it was common courtesy to let people fight without anyone ganking on them in this game, apparently not
@dix-neufcmsifredi2706 Місяць тому
Well i guess if you are actually doing something usefull for the team, like capturing a point, then that's perfectly fine not interfere in a 1v1 in dominion/breche. And for brawl and death match, if every one is going for 1v1 and courtesy then there is no problem in there either
@FumblezXIII 9 місяців тому
And then there's players like me, who absolutely love to being in a 1vX situation, taking as many with me as possible, laughing each time I cut them down 😂
@nokosVII Рік тому
You forgot the teammates that leave before the game starts
@Sam_Hyde_Apologist Рік тому
you forgot the revenge feeder, usually a hyper armor meat head character
@ramenb6324 Рік тому
Teammates that spam guard breaks in a gank
@haydenrhoden6157 Рік тому
The enemies that gank lose and then ask for a 1v1
@john-os8ei Рік тому
One of the best dominion matches ive ever had was one that basically turned into fight club we let them have a and we took b and we just kept having duels on c this lasted for like 5 games one night before i ended up leaving
@Blurgamer17 Рік тому
Duel-minion. Thankfully I've never encountered one of your lobbies.
@john-os8ei Рік тому
@@Blurgamer17 lol nice way to start off by being an asshole like i said it was fun night but its far from the norm.....
@dpaulavado9373 Рік тому
About honor in deathmatch, when everyone agrees to play 4 duels I respect that (even when I hate honor in 4s) BUT I always stay close to my teammate so if his opponent tries to run I will jump and gank the runner for sure. The most annoying teammate imo is the "I wannabe faraam" so proceed to run into a enemy point and then die non-stop and of course "iS nOt mY fAulT, my TeAm Is sUcKs uurrrr dduuurr"
@Giga-_-Chad Рік тому
Moral of the story, only be honorable if you're a fucking God and can quickly flip the ass kickery switch on when needed.
@el_slender Рік тому
@christianmenjivar8227 Рік тому
For brawl there should be a map where both duels are separated and when 2 people from different teams win then they can fight each other
@rossalbane7743 Рік тому
Ngl I used to be an honortard but now for the most part I just sneak my own punishes in while avoiding excess revenge gain
@fatalishuntinghorn Рік тому
The majula Theme god damn i love it so much
@miimiibeschde4818 11 місяців тому
Forgot the one who wins and then when He lost He sends you an angry Message and talks about how trash you are
@Era551 Рік тому
I'll give honor when we are not losesing but we are always losing my friends
@sonicrose8430 8 місяців тому
i was always the guy who went for two 1v1s in brawl. But its because i queue with my friend so we can play in the same lobby.
@tippetytap9437 8 місяців тому
He is correct, Tribute is in fact a shared case of misremembering on all our parts.
@tonyolsson3880 Рік тому
On brawl. Some maps force 1v1. The map you showed separates you and your mate. So its also the devs giving us maps that arent ment for that mode. We all want more maps but it has to fit the mode they are made made for.
@NetherTaker Рік тому
The Average Minion Fan. Will spend the entire dominion match in the minion lane as if they can hold it alone, meanwhile their teammate is getting ganked and killed on A because they're the only one actually trying to boost.
@evmarekaj Рік тому
Definitely agree I will say with the last one, like you nuanced it is not the 1v1ing that is the problem but the people who won't team fight/gank after it has already been established, The way I do deathmatch, is il only 1v1 in elimination, I won't get upset as long as the first fight of the round isn't interrupted, and I won't gank until I am ganked too, this respects everyone, also like mentioned above these rules only apply to elimination
@yiddymcgriddy4304 Рік тому
Tho I have significant hate for Highlander, however that breach gameplay in the beginning, it was smooth as hell
@Bugfield2042 Рік тому
bro no in breach you have to defend the archer points. what do you get from halting the rampart if the enemy team conquers 3 zones in the meantime? you cant conquer them back. And if archers from 2 points are shooting your pikemen you are basically unable to damage the rampart with pikemen. Defending/capturing the archer points is always a priority.
@tiocroc4814 Рік тому
I remember my first for honor matches. I was a conq main and my mais strat was to unlock and spam heavies. In a 1v1 i would spam the inf light chain. Good times
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