Why I Added A Crack House To My Game

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cs_crackhouse footage by ratlobber • What is cs_crackhouse?
Twitch: / garbajcan
Twitter: / garbaj2
2nd Channel: / garbajgaming

@EhmedCousCous Рік тому
At the broken wall acting as a door, you could make the ramp look like a pile of rubble from the wall, but the collisions are like a ramp
@garbaj Рік тому
it's kind of a dirt ramp, but I want to also put broken bits of wall around it later
@Stupetin Рік тому
I was going to comment the same :D
@The0Gamer379 Рік тому
Expanding on this, why not have the ramps have a texture that makes them stairs, while still having a smooth hitbox?
@jonathanbarkins8480 Рік тому
@@garbaj since many people have asked about it, could you address in a future video why you chose to make the ramps visible rather than just have them as invisible hitboxes or a collision system for something else (eg. rubble)? (assuming they're not just a placeholder for something else) Sorry if my English is incoherent. I'm still learning.
@oskrm Рік тому
@@garbaj put a nail with a 10% chance it will chip away a 5% hp
@Qreamey Рік тому
Other game devs: let's design a fair and balanced part of the map so that players can have fun and not have any unfair advantages Garbaj: c r a c k h o u s e
@sunnysunnybay Рік тому
@affluenzashot Рік тому
crackhouses are broken
@sunnysunnybay Рік тому
@@affluenzashot full HP paradise 🧟🧟🧟
@Splarkszter Рік тому
"""let's design a fair and balanced""" 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@MrRosco Рік тому
as a game dev we all add crack houses to ours games at least once
@iquemedia Рік тому
I love your videos because I never know if I'm gonna learn, laugh my ass off, or both
@Visstnok Рік тому
Live, laugh, love, my dude!
@crackedtadacktle1003 Рік тому
lol me too :)
@dr_mafarioyt4313 Рік тому
Live, laugh… c r a c k h o u s e
@parallellinesmeetatinfinity Рік тому
Crack House Crying in the Corner 💀
@Monteange Рік тому
I love crack houses in games it adds a sort of realistic thing that make people think that this was just a normal town. At the end of the day its realism
@dillonshirey8076 Рік тому
Yep every town has at least 1 crack house
@Monteange Рік тому
My towns main “crack house” in town just got evicted but there’s a lot on the out skirts
@AkariInsko Рік тому
@@dillonshirey8076 it's mandatory for there to be atleast one crackhouse per square kilometer
@VikingTeddy Рік тому
Every town also has that one guy that buys jars of piss...
@i-never-look-at-replies-lol Рік тому
@@dillonshirey8076 *normal town
@gilesja1 Рік тому
It's always been a dream of mine to be a character in a game..... but I guess I can be content with my house being added. Thanks Garbaj!
@onaschaturvedi1585 Рік тому
Congrats 👶
@constupatedtomuch Рік тому
how tf does anyone try to explain this
@Nothing_happening_here_go_away Рік тому
Beacuse there are some good arguments
@akam9919 Рік тому
@apIthletIcc Рік тому
@@akam9919 i like the fact you answered with a seemingly random number. good shit lmao
@akam9919 Рік тому
@@apIthletIcc i was the 70th like
@apIthletIcc Рік тому
@@akam9919 ah i see. it was fun to think you answered 70. Reminded me of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, when the ai answered 42 to the question, "what is the meaning of life"
@TrinoBobino Рік тому
Please let us throw the jars of piss at enemy players, and if they are hit by the splash effect (pun 100% intended) you can see their location through walls as a yellow-haze cloud implying you can now for a short time essentially "smell them". Might be a cool shader video too!
@davidzaydullin Рік тому
or maybe jars of piss will turn all damage to minicrits
@TurquoiseDress02 Рік тому
applying minicrits is way better
@TurquoiseDress02 Рік тому
@@davidzaydullin jarate does minicrits, bushwhacka transforms mcrits to crits
@joe-wt7oe Рік тому
I was thinking you would be able to drink it to gain secondhand crackhead powers
@davidzaydullin Рік тому
@@TurquoiseDress02 oops
@ThrowawayDoods Рік тому
With the amount of love you put into it Grabaj, it's not just a crack house-- it's a crack home. Good work as always!
@blaxorthecat7672 Рік тому
can we all agree that the jars should be like jarate in tf2?
@bernhardwinkler6413 Рік тому
@wolfintank9629 Рік тому
Exactly what im hoping for Press g to throw: pottle
@VilleRemes Рік тому
HANDS UP! **Splash**
@ThatNoobKing Рік тому
@@VilleRemes h... _"hands_ up"?
@Inkspeed Рік тому
@sundeeprandhawa6007 Рік тому
I’m just minding my own business and then across my screen pops up “WHY I ADDED A *CRACK HOUSE* TO MY GAME”
@nowaycansmellsounds1515 Рік тому
Idea: the "plants with benefits" makes you nauseated (messes up aiming) but in turns yields defensive capabilities.
@masterofhippos1395 Рік тому
something tells me you dont know the true benefits of "plants"
@BeatInMySkull Рік тому
@@masterofhippos1395 Yeah, I feel like it would make aiming easier if there were status affects in the game it would heal like paranoia (perhaps the player's character hallucinates enemy decoys with paranoia status), shakey/clammy hands, eye twitching, itchy trigger finger, etc. That's one idea.
@ResidentStump Рік тому
(Also some plants with benefits can actually help with nausea)
@langus. Рік тому
slows the player down but has the benefit of more stability with guns, a good combo would be combined use with a sniper.
@thegrey4015 Рік тому
@@langus. Stoned Sniper buff
@croma2068 Рік тому
"Plants with benefits" is a great pun and I was not prepared for it
@shrimpson123 Рік тому
If you ain't garbaj, get outta my trap house
@garbaj Рік тому
pls let me stay in the trap house
@shrimpson123 Рік тому
@@garbaj of course. But bring your own piss jar
@DanielLaixer Рік тому
@@shrimpson123 Jarate confirmed
@leonjohansen1818 Рік тому
At 1:45 you demonstrate something by accident that I find infuriating in some games. When you're inside the building, the debris in the window blocks most of your shots at a normal vertical deviation, but when you're outside the building, you can aim around the debris much easier and hit someone inside.
@diggoran Рік тому
I think that might be intentional to remove some of the game imbalance of firing from cover
@Just_a_commenter Рік тому
Ah yes, my favourite building aesthetic, *c r a c k h o u s e.* Thank you for being mindful of getting into the buildings, too... I think we've all experienced the frustration of bumping into a piece of geometry that decides it's going to _completely interrupt our movement when in reality we should just be able to walk over it like oh my GOD CoD why are some simple ledges impossible to walk over I feel like a clown for needing to ju-_ Wait, starting to rant there, oops. lol
@AugmentedSmurf Рік тому
You think CoD is bad about it, try literally anything made by Bethesda. Uuuuuuggggggh.
@MrMarshallMan3 Рік тому
I've been watching your stuff for a few months now and I've gotta say, over the past little while I have had some surprise laughs that have almost made me choke. Your content is great man, keep it up!
@ziphy_6471 Рік тому
garbaj added jarate to his game. I love it
@dillonshirey8076 Рік тому
You need to have an NPC in the crack house that could give you medical items like "white powder" that gives you speed boosts and "crystals" that could give you an increased health regeneration speed and other trades or products that could help the player in the heat of the moment but in the long run will give your player uncurable side effects and other terrible things
@joaovmlsilva3509 Рік тому
I'm pretty sure crystals item should give a stamina boost, or give extra precision
@squazguy Рік тому
Overusage will result in immediate death.
@Konspiracie Рік тому
Brings back childhood memories. Great vid as always, Garbaj
@zinova8252 Рік тому
Random new player: What's your favorite item to sell in this game? Og player: CrАсK aNd PiSsJaRs
@Waddle_Duck Рік тому
Love these videos, just learned how to make crack house in 3 minutes. Amazing work!
@scarletcrusader5431 Рік тому
2:39 I believe you Jarate. Also stripping crack houses for copper piping fits too well
@azazelgaming6573 Рік тому
An idea for the mysterious plant (maybe you already know what you want to do with it idc its just an idea). A temporary accuracy bonus while standing still but slight movement debuff and some kind of motion blur.
@badideagenerator2315 Рік тому
it could grant damage resistance, or enable the player to persist for a few seconds after their health hits zero.
@azazelgaming6573 Рік тому
@@badideagenerator2315 Yeah but that would be kinda useless in 1vX since youd still die. And the damage resistance would be a bit annoying to play against. It needs to have drawbacks in my opinion
@tonkmann Рік тому
Nice game you got there! Can't wait for it to come out!
@kid_gen Рік тому
I love your vids and I enjoy getting these updates as you go along. I couldn't help but notice that the walls of your crack house at THICC. You may want to look into reducing the wall thickness all around.
@travis8106 Рік тому
I've been following you and checking in occasionally for probably about a year. I'm happy you're continuing to pursue this project man. You clearly love it and its just refreshing to see someone stay the course and commit to something they love. Cheers, happy holidays. Hoping the new year brings us more updates on your project. It's come together quite a bit. Also.... is king of the crackhouse mode making it to full release?
@ZettXXII Рік тому
nice, don't forget the chance to tell a story trough the interior design and prob placement, if it fits your game. It's always nice to uncover a little info about who lived there or what happened to them.
@willmcclard206 Рік тому
duh i think he knows that
@Stupetin Рік тому
What it started as: Balanced FPS with evolving weapons What in ended up as: Crack hobo simulator where you strip copper wire from abandoned buildings
@DeadBread. Рік тому
I followed you a whilw back ago because i thought you were a really humorous game dev. Now I KNOW that you are a really humorous game dev
@NoSleepDaChimney Рік тому
I was talking about this kinda stuff today with my little brother . He’s super into game design and figuring out little niche things in games like in gta all the little activities or miscellaneous action prompts that have no obvious use or benefit but are ultimately cool things that add a sense of realism or attention to detail. Keep going on this game I won’t be able to play it if I recall correctly because I have horrible internet but I’d love to see how it turns out man good luck
@shadewww_ Рік тому
"where illicit activities could theoretically take place in" underrated line
@slimbomb Рік тому
This was great, thanks for the laugh and showing us some new things, sniper looks great!
@sundeeprandhawa6007 Рік тому
“Except my windows come with the extra bonus of contracting epititus c”
@pryoshiq9842 Рік тому
Love it keep up the great work
@fryingpanjim Рік тому
You’re my favourite UKpostsr you are funny entertaining and overall a good person. Thank you for making these last few months of my life more entertaining. Thank you.
@HK47_115 Рік тому
I swear, I always learn something new when I watch one of your videos. One of my favorite ones that you've done so far is when you described how guns work and where the bullet really comes from. Because it answered the ongoing question that I hear so many people have with FPS shooters especially call of duty. Why can't they fix head glitching? And after that one video, it finally makes sense now. It would probably be impossible to fix head glitching unless they completely altered the game and how the guns work. Really makes me wish more people would see that video instead of bitching at the developers over and over and over again over the same things that they literally cannot fix unless they completely altered the game which would upset more people.
@JK3vlar Рік тому
Sniper really decided to live in a crackhouse What happened to him
@lambdaspecialist_source Рік тому
You're videos are educational in the developement side and also funny.
@rackhuff928 Рік тому
Earned me sub brother! God bless and keep up the hard work!
@xodriel Рік тому
garbaj makes better accessibility for people in wheel chair than government
@engameerr4061 Рік тому
youre one big motivation to me as a starting game dev. thx
@Live-Paradox Рік тому
Can’t wait till it’s done man! Exiting
@salvadormuro7346 Рік тому
Title had me dying 😂 Bro in an astonishing turn of events, I now have a pc. Not had a pc in over a decade and didn’t expect to have one for quite some time, must say I’m excited to play! I was going to patiently wait for the Xbox release but I am so stoked now I’ll be able to play. Can’t wait!
@Vrashura Рік тому
honestly kinda excited for this. im not usually a big fan of FPS games, but i love resource management
@yamo511 Рік тому
Merry Christmas, dude!
@fluoxvonhoovienheimer4706 Рік тому
2:39 Meet The Sniper
@Stoptalkingbs Рік тому
This is top garbaj content
@johndoe8520 Рік тому
Me: lol what if he made a reference to that one counter strike map Him: cs_crackhouse
@cybershellrev7083 Рік тому
That'd be hilarious, using a jar of piss like a flashbang (or in this case, splashbang) then see your enemy projectile vomit all over the floor while their squad mates accidentally slip on his vomit.
@geese5170 Рік тому
I don't know if you've looked into photogrammetry, but that could be a really easy and fun way to create you own high quality textures with premade bump-maps and everything. I know there are some apps on mobile devices that will do the entire process for you after you submit a scan, but I do think they come at a small fee as it is all server based. Love your work, it really is inspiring, and I'd love to see what creative ways you use the technology!
@Owroma135 Рік тому
"JARATE!" -Sniper TF2
@tomiivaswort6921 Рік тому
Other games: we'll give you medkits so you can heal yourself! Booty Blastin': J a r s o f p i s s
@vortex_talon Рік тому
"Why I Added A Crack House To My Game" "Its my house" 💀
@Simp_306 Рік тому
Good work! Hope you will make some blender tutorials :))
@madsnoren987 Рік тому
"Nevermind that all the other buildings are untextured." Priorities.
@Evercreeper Рік тому
I cannot wait for your game. It will be very fun
@AlexanderTBratrich Рік тому
I'm glad you didn't forget the wheelchair access ramp into your crack house
@nomic655 Рік тому
Every game needs a "crack house". Not because of the funny aspect, but because it makes sense in terms of gameplay. It's a medium sized building with lots of uneven terrain elements, lots of entries and lots of clever sightlines. It adds to the realism of your game and allows you to add a different kind of difficulty to gunfights, while also being a great place for the developer to put their own personal touches (such as jars with non drinkable content) without worrying about how much they fit. Because everything can fit in a scrap house. What I'd like to see more of in videogames is the intricate sightlines that scrap houses bring. Like wooden barricades that still allow you to shoot around them, or through them with a high power rifle. Or small holes that are not practical to shoot through but are perfect to throw a grenade through.
@elliejohnson2786 Рік тому
I'm interested to see how you'll do textures. Will you go stylised, use geometry nodes and bake them, a standard substance painter approach? Trimsheets might be worth looking into for buildings.
@LautaroQ2812 Рік тому
Man thank you for the QoL adjustments of ramps. I can't think of how many times I get stuck with a planter, a light pole, a sign... whatever it is. HOLY SHIT.
@kthulu2 Рік тому
This is very inspiring thanks
@mohitagrawal1382 Рік тому
Him saying crack house so casually made me lose it lmao
@rascoon Рік тому
i like the look of the building. it looks like it's from a slightly older game with those textures
@Rduino Рік тому
im working on a 'port' of an existing game to n64. It wont run on an n64 bc I'm not buying a dev kit and all the crap that comes with that, however, it will have similar limitations to that of the n64. Your videos always help me when talking about the complex parts of development like ads and inventory. Keep up the great work
@Stratelier Рік тому
"Plants with benefits" is probably the highlight catchphrase of this video.
@nunocabreracancelo Рік тому
Yeeees, JARATES!
@Chris-cw2vn Рік тому
This was the first video I saw after opening UKposts. Phenomenal.
@nebula_9501 Рік тому
Quick tip, I have seen that every building has those ramps. Instead, create one that is smaller and thinner and make it invisible to the player. This makes you able to still have the quality of having a ramp so people don't get stuck but also make your models stand out more.
@sm00se Рік тому
in cs:go, a "wall" can be 18hu or lower before you need to jump over it. A grace buffer like that might be an idea if you find you're getting stuck on things
@hereticstanlyhalo6916 Рік тому
I like how you make these pieces in modules... but I do recommending investing some time into fusing these modules into one singular piece as each one of those are 1 draw call + binding (if godot uses it)... I'm assuming godot at this point went bindless... but just a recommendation. For example, I personally try and keep as many things as one solid piece, however with making a custom engine, I made custom import options to even help myself further while giving myself the ease of access of using multiple meshes. ... Also, if you do make these one items, in game, each draw call is typical also based on the material, so maybe also bake the textures into texture atlases, just don't go too far cus it messes with mipmapping.
@matimk_ Рік тому
It's really exciting to watch someone create a game step by step
@FNWavez Рік тому
Also another thing when making the sniper or for scopes in general you want to make a few differnt meshs of the scope in blender 1 being the main full scope 2 being just circle part of the scope and you want to make a script that when you aim the full scope disapears and the circle if the scope becomes visble alowing it to look through the scope i hope you get what i mean if not i can try to explane better
@sunnysunnybay Рік тому
USA: this is the war on drugs. Garbaj ❤️❤️❤️: we need more crack houses
@dedf1sh432 Рік тому
2:40 "Meet the sniper"
@developer2 Рік тому
i can imagine his face while he's saying some of this stuff "like jars of piss" *silently dying in background*
@memesfromtheforsakenworlwi9218 Рік тому
2:45 JARATE!
@ewanhouston3262 Рік тому
In one of the rooms, you could make it seem as if the roof has caved in and either put a ladder or rubble that the player can use to get onto the roof with.
@Encouraje Рік тому
"plants with benefits"
@OwO2620 Рік тому
me: *hears jars of piss* my tf2 senses: good shot, mate.
@JUAN_GUTI Рік тому
Brother i am more excited about this game than any other before it!
@dreflox Рік тому
_"This can't be good for me, but I feel great!"_
@Smumbo Рік тому
Your movement system should have a "step" functionality, so that you instantly step onto flat elevated surfaces (depending on height). This is a pretty common feature in game engines and I think it would help a lot with level design since it could alleviate the need to add those small ramps everywhere.
@elextroblaze Рік тому
Definitely should be toggleable otherwise it will get annoying real fast
@trunkmonkey5749 Рік тому
@@elextroblaze Every game has this bro you just don't notice til it's gone. If you go play a game like The Witness you cant step up the tiniest curbs and it's annoying as hell.
@foo3268 Рік тому
this title reads like a headline for New Blood Game patch.
@thelegend8570 Рік тому
"Jars of piss" This guy TF2s
@denn501 Рік тому
Now I have more questions than I had at the start
@carloscalderon3840 Рік тому
I love crackhouses. In tarkov there are so many of them there’s even a crackhouse named crackhouse!
@Sh4quille0atmeal Рік тому
AAA game devs: "we add useful items that make sense" Garbaj and Valve: "JARATE"
@SpicyMelonYT Рік тому
You would benefit so much from using blenders vertex magnet. Right now I saw you using the increment magnet. But the vertex one lets you position things to the nearest vertex. Very useful for modeling
@QuixkRedsk8 Рік тому
The extra added risk of contracting hepatitis c - garbaj 😂
@xelzoid Рік тому
@2sense802 Рік тому
I'm calling it now, Garbaj is going to add Jarate to his game.
@Zen-rw2fz Рік тому
For making textures my prefered method is generating with blender's shader nodes and rendering them as on flat planes aligned with the camera
@psvm_ Рік тому
*Meet the Sniper plays*
@th3jmanx Рік тому
This is coolest channel on UKposts.
@piyushguptaji402 Рік тому
when i saw the title, i thought that house will litrelly get cracked down when you fire at it, DESTRUTIONNN.....
@spencerfencer5419 Рік тому
I've been hoping you would add a crack house to the game, as we all know the lack of one in an FPS could really effect the gameplay, ratings, and sales. I also would like to possibly see in the future (maybe even post release) a crack apartment or perhaps even a crack duplex.
@jordsoo1 Рік тому
There are ways you can code to make it so the character moves up small humps up to a certain size, if you're not wanting the ramps. Idk how your player code is set out but could be a possibility. Looking cool, I like watching the progress :)
@kingkorva5720 Рік тому
I can't wait to learn more about the piss jar merchant and exactly how the hepatitis c debuff works. I look forward to your next update.
@stefanhorvath808 Рік тому
If you can't see the legs of your player model, you could make the ramps up to your entrances invisible. Pros: looks "realistic", no weird ramps which might mess with aligning the house to your ground. Cons: you or enemies might float in the air if in the wrong spot. Which is why you should make the ramp really small, and the incline should be just a bit smaller than what your character can climb.
@medicfromtf2955 Рік тому
sniper theme starts playing
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