Jihadism Should Be Feared! Sam Harris
@Mike-ii5zr 19 секунд тому
This was one of the best conversations I've heard in a long time. I would love to hear these two speak together again.
@Joe_mangina 21 секунда тому
Very good discussion ❤
@asktoobtain 51 секунда тому
What is "true and useful" is entirely dependent on "world view" (otherwise known as "religion"). You can fool yourself yet none other than that fool you see through...
@Joe-dz7kj 5 хвилин тому
A man is male and a woman is female. It really is just that simple. That’s how God Almighty designed all of us.
@escrtn84 9 хвилин тому
Me, any time I hear JP talk... "I have absolutely no idea what he just tried to say, and what's more, I'm not sure he knows what he said either."
@JohnDoe-qh5xg 12 хвилин тому
God is what ever boundaries your subconscious upkeeps
@JohnDoe-qh5xg 13 хвилин тому
Einstein sure did mention emc2....
@juanjvvictorjohnson 13 хвилин тому
A wondering miracle has no contingent wonderer wondering contingencies about belief being contingent on miracles wondered.
@asktoobtain 19 хвилин тому
When your definitions include "generally" but you aren't skeptical about your own defining of "wellbeing" LMAOooooooOOoooOooO Nobody will agree with you on what a good life is when you'd be writing down abstractions of abstractions i.e. thoughts of thoughts made script absent scripture
@-justin-4077 24 хвилини тому
I’m convinced all the pro MDH commentators are bots. They come out to feast like hyenas after every debate.
@ZeeAmy 19 хвилин тому
Nice cope 😂
@notsure64 24 хвилини тому
Illegal immigration is horrible and a total fail.
@fuckinA79 38 хвилин тому
Two idiots doing a bad job of entertaining
@asktoobtain 41 хвилина тому
"human" beings are so uncomfortable with the supernatural that they concocted the whole word "consciousness", and would more likely get rid of the word altogether than succeed at explaining the phenomenon even slightly EVER #OblivionToOblivion
@asktoobtain 50 хвилин тому
22:27 as he literally describes(rests upon) the metaphor that scientificality so sadly relies on riding into oblivion from oblivion No matter the number of times the house of cards (theoretic models) are dismantled by a newly discovered deck...
@asktoobtain 56 хвилин тому
This bald pseudonerd would likely attempt to dismiss thought as natural having no knowledge or understanding of how he receives thoughts and what separates his current thoughts from the big bang miracle denied to be a miracle. The fools have lost their foolishness relatively "Supernatural" is merely the infinite unknown and dismissed due to false assumed truth posited by axiomatic pseudognosis Trust that eyesight you will never comprehend friend... Scientists will never be the authority they are handed due to "usefulness"
@PanthraxIV 22 хвилини тому
Lots of words. Not a lot of logic. Try again
@asktoobtain 16 хвилин тому
@@PanthraxIV go ahead and show "me" a metaphor for the big bang without using the axiom of your eyesight. Go ahead and appeal to logic using something other than intuition child. The authority you blindly follow defines colors using only metaphor and you couldn't recognize that even reading these in black, white and ___.
@asktoobtain 6 хвилин тому
@@PanthraxIV describe allegory absent authority and definition... all while ignoring how you define "define"... Tell me about logic; Son
@yourchanceisNow Годину тому
people that don’t understand the socratic method don’t understand jp and how truly smart the guy is
@knowme4iam326 54 хвилини тому
Dude the socratic method is often described as asking questions of the other to arrive at a predestined answer. Example. Why shouldn't we touch hot pans. Because they can burn you. Jordan Peterson is not the mental giant you perceive him to be...good try tho..cheers
@huemanzu Годину тому
jp is a clown engulfed in complex argumentative bs
@joeysavoy4591 Годину тому
They need Billy Carson on this bih
@biswajitroy5082 Годину тому
No, they refused to fight the demons of their community and will do so everywhere they move in the name of religion
@valariesusan52 Годину тому
The Palistinian people were and are also terrorised by Hamass and Hezbollah.Their youth are not being heard. Protests in Iran against the wearing of a scarf.God forbid you show a piece of your hair.Young youth being hung in public for speaking against the Morality Police who terrorise young women.A man who lived in Gaza and worked in Isreal said growing up was terror.He saw a woman hanging out clothes when a man chopped off her head because she had been seen speaking friendly to A jEWISH SOLDIER.hE SAID THE SOLDIERS GAVE THEM CANDY LIKE THE AMERICANS IN vIETNAM.hE SAID THEY DRAGGED BODIES BEHIND their can in the street.They ruled with an Iron fist...Palistine needs Isreal free them also against Terror....
@emiliog.4432 Годину тому
Two guys arguing over the existence of the Easter bunny and Santa Claus. And if Jordan believes that Mat believes. Oh man. Word salad with vinegar and oil.
@KFish-bw1om 2 години тому
Jordan Peterson is like what you get if you put the devil in charge of hiring someone to go out and defend the gospel for you. At the end of the day it holds very little real value to him, because as much as he's having fun playing the pseudo Christian intellectual, he's still very much a naturalist. The "stories" as he so reductively describes them, are all just abstract in his mind. Therefore, he's willing to discard any portion of them, or twist, bend, and break them to fit within whatever philosophical thread he finds most self gratifying in a given moment. Despite all of his interfacing with the "biblical narrative" and however much he's come to appreciate portions of it, he's still unable to submit himself to God. He can't worship God, because he worships his own mind. All of this that he's doing just ends up being a masturbatory exercise in that type of vanity. He enjoys very much his own intellectual exploration of the word of God, but he hasn't been able to find the true meaning in it, far greater than any abstraction he can pull from it, because the real problem isn't in his mind, it's in his heart. I pray that God will soften the hearts of both Jordan and Matt. That they may see beyond the cold, pale, stark surface of their intellectual exhibition, and come to know the truth in Christ.
@singwithpowerinfo5815 2 години тому
Peterson is a wealth of unfalsifiable nonsense, and completely unsupported assertions wrapped up in eloquent bullshit.
@masterblaster9447 2 години тому
Jordan Peterson gets smooooked! 🚬
@arvinsenglishph2293 2 години тому
It's ignorant not believing in God , JP is a proponent of God no wonder he is POLYMATH!
@sandrabotha6848 2 години тому
I Utuz 🎉Po
@aumshreeganeshakovil 2 години тому
Muhammad conveniently avoids 10 Commandments Ten Commandments Moses brought down directly from God is not mention in Quran because Muhammad violates the Ten commandments every day of his life living with 11 wives and Ayesha was 6 years old Creating conflict and art of Crooked and Corrupted and Warped Logic is what Muhammad invented and perfected Telling the Truth in times of Deciet is the Noblest of Prayer Muhammad practiced slavery looting plunder Spoils of War surah Anfal chapter 8 of Quran Spoils of War shows that Muhammad sustained himself entirely from Wars Robert Spencer reveals in his book THE HISTORY OF JIHAD FROM MUHAMMAD TO ISIS details and documents accurately the horrendous crimes atrocities and eternal genocide on peaceful prosperous defenseless civilizations mainly Jewish and Christian by Muhammad Allah Quran and Muslims Erica Vogel Sallem Surah Anfal Spoils of War Plunder and Looting reflects on Muhammad living and sustaining himself on Spoils of War Plunder and Looting NO 10 COMMANDMENTS IN QURAN, MUHAMMAD COULD NOT COPY IT, AND PUT IT IN QURAN, CAUSE HE KNOWS HE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO OBEY IT, RULE NUMBER ONE, SLEEPING WITH A CHILD IS A NO NO, IT DOES NOT MATTER IF IT WAS 1400 YEARS AGO, NO EXCUSE, ANY HUMAN WITH A BRAIN WOULD KNOW IT IS COMMON SENSE YOU DO NOT SLEEP WITH A CHILD , ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ARE THE AGE OF A GRANDFATHER, AND HAVING MANY WIVES ALREADY..Jesus condemed the violation of children and Muhammad in his old age did exactly that in marrying a 6 year old Those who dishonor children are the AntiChrist Muhammad violates the Ten commandments and deliberately does not introduce it in the Quran although Moses appears over 160 times and a whole chapter appears in Quran & once again explicitly and unambiguously confirms the unethical and immoral nature of MuhammadMuhammad practiced slavery looting plunder Spoils of War surah Anfal chapter 8 of Quran Spoils of War shows that Muhammad sustained himself entirely from Wars Robert Sp
@aumshreeganeshakovil 2 години тому
Beware of Naledi Pandor and Cyril betrayed Nelson Mandela Islam is a million times worse than Apartheid Ten Commandments Moses brought down directly from God is not mention in Quran because Muhammad violates the Ten commandments every day of his life living with 11 wives and Ayesha was 6 years old Creating conflict and art of Crooked and Corrupted and Warped Logic is what Muhammad invented and perfected Telling the Truth in times of Deciet is the Noblest of Prayer Muhammad practiced slavery looting plunder Spoils of War surah Anfal chapter 8 of Quran Spoils of War shows that Muhammad sustained himself entirely from Wars Robert Spencer reveals in his book THE HISTORY OF JIHAD FROM MUHAMMAD TO ISIS details and documents accurately the horrendous crimes atrocities and eternal genocide on peaceful prosperous defenseless civilizations mainly Jewish and Christian by Muhammad Allah Quran and Muslims Erica Vogel Sallem Surah Anfal Spoils of War Plunder and Looting reflects on Muhammad living and sustaining himself on Spoils of War Plunder and Looting NO 10 COMMANDMENTS IN QURAN, MUHAMMAD COULD NOT COPY IT, AND PUT IT IN QURAN, CAUSE HE KNOWS HE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO OBEY IT, RULE NUMBER ONE, SLEEPING WITH A CHILD IS A NO NO, IT DOES NOT MATTER IF IT WAS 1400 YEARS AGO, NO EXCUSE, ANY HUMAN WITH A BRAIN WOULD KNOW IT IS COMMON SENSE YOU DO NOT SLEEP WITH A CHILD , ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ARE THE AGE OF A GRANDFATHER, AND HAVING MANY WIVES ALREADY..Jesus condemed the violation of children and Muhammad in his old age did exactly that in marrying a 6 year old Those who dishonor children are the AntiChrist Muhammad violates the Ten commandments and deliberately does not introduce it in the Quran although Moses appears over 160 times and a whole chapter appears in Quran & once again explicitly and unambiguously confirms the unethical and immoral nature of MuhammadMuhammad practiced slavery looting plunder Spoils of War surah Anfal chapter 8 of Quran Spoils of War shows that Muhammad sustained himself entirely from Wars
@singwithpowerinfo5815 2 години тому
Matt exposed JP as the fraud that he is when discussing anything to do spirituality.
@lukedegraaf1186 2 години тому
How are authors issues? Can JP ever be clear?
@lukedegraaf1186 2 години тому
Was that like a minute before the metaphorical substrate was mentioned? What is it? He mentions it a lot.
@singwithpowerinfo5815 2 години тому
It’s all about the metaphysical substrate. 👍
@lukedegraaf1186 2 години тому
@@singwithpowerinfo5815 as helpful as Jordan. Thanks?
@turntablesrockmyworld9315 Годину тому
Kind of like the cultural narrative that underpins cultures. He feels many narratives have metaphors important for human existent.
@johnjenkins5854 2 години тому
What a full load of horseshit.
@alboe5 2 години тому
damn the banter is great in this convo.. JBP is just that guy.... his brain is just on another lvl
@lukedegraaf1186 2 години тому
Yeah, too many drugs.
@Zion66666 2 години тому
MD: is there a god? JP: Metaphorical substrate, hierarchies, post modern, blah blah blah
@omeromer1998 2 години тому
Yall dont be pondering as hard as me and my main man jp
@ronherrle141 3 години тому
It’s the a same as a deadly cancer. Wherever it go it kills its host.
@harkema8090 3 години тому
Do not put mr. Peterson in court. ( explanation of the color of a car: well, you see. that depends..)😊
@ChaoticPasta 3 години тому
Here's what I think Jordan Peterson REALLY believes: He's way too smart a man to believe that there's an all-powerful being somewhere out there pulling the strings of our universe; but he feels that, because of his knowledge of psychology and history, that humans cannot thrive in a society empty of a fundamental belief structure that is rooted in a supernatural explanation. Without a idea that serves as the ultimate terminus of all ethics and values, humans will be in danger of latching unto other alternate forms of dogma like what happened in the soviet union. Kind of like how after Matt abandoned religion, his brain broke and now he is caught up in the dogma of Woke-ism. It's sad that so many people, even a great atheist debater like Matt can't escape the pull of dogma. I watched him fall off over the years. It's disappointing... I guess some people can't just live comfortably with the existential dread of not having an overarching worldview to ground your thinking in.
@findingmyway93 3 години тому
The man that cant by definition prove that the external reality exist😅
@HareKrishnaHareRama101 3 години тому
Actually you are still under estimating . Islam is over your neck
@arctictruck10 3 години тому
Why can't people just say I don't know
@tetashome 2 години тому
@JL-xz3zf 3 години тому
Honestly, I used to think JP was really intelligent and I'm so embarrassed about being fooled like that. Ive learned my lesson though haha
@turntablesrockmyworld9315 Годину тому
Yes, understandable if you are not "academic"-type yourself. People that have academic-interests have rolled their eyes from the very beginning when hearing him; he is a smart man but his word "skills" generally only impress non-academics. I generally also found the writing in his first popular book was terrible and of the same vein.
@Alincoln333 28 хвилин тому
I think it’s a mistake to conflate a mans intelligence with their ego. Dr. Jordan Peterson is an incredibly intelligent psychologist who has been cited as a well respected, credible source who had certainly earned his tenured position at quality Universities. Now nothing I said there gives him any authority in the realms of Theology, Geopolitics, Philosophy, Eastern European Literature or anything else. He has been thrust into the position of “Clever Man” by a mob of dopes who saw him for the first time showcasing his 10,000 hours making everything he said go from, “Clever man said clever thing because he’s clever” to “Respected Psychologist has opinion on thing that isn’t psychology”.
@allether5377 3 години тому
Jordan rekt Matt
@ovid4 2 години тому
Clearly you didn’t watch the video
@atmoo3447 3 години тому
What a waste of your life debating whether God exists or not. If you really want to find out, transform your emotional baggage, face your deepest fears, let go of all the nonsense society and religion has feed you. Then you will not need such foolish debates.
@Dontbustthecrust 3 години тому
I disagree
@Druid75 3 години тому
Jordan “The Word Salad” Peterson
@hypno5690 3 години тому
I swear athiesm is so broadly appealing because the majority of people live SOLELY in the material realm. No depth of spirit whatsoever
@Druid75 3 години тому
And theism is people taking fairy tales way too seriously and making cults out of them And we all live in the material realm my friend
@korgothofbarbaria2841 3 години тому
That is just your projection and view of people. It's always spiritual people telling others how they need to live. And that is so deeply non-spiritual and you do it to make yourself feel better. If atheists make up a small portion of the world like 5% and according to you, the majority of people live SOLELY in the material realm then ask yourself WTF are you spirituals gurus doing to the world.
@consciousness7899 2 години тому
my friend is eager to earn lots of money more than he needs but he believes in god..
@KFish-bw1om 2 години тому
​@@korgothofbarbaria2841​ Didn't you just do exactly what you accused others of doing? "Stop judging people for not being spiritual enough. That's very unspiritual of you!" How would you even know what would constitute an accurate judgment of someone's spirituality, if from your own statements you seem to oppose spirituality?
@user-qf8xo1lz3d 3 години тому
5:10 he says it himself
@Joe-un1tl 4 години тому
This smackdown of Peterson will never get old. The fact that people buy the religious BS Jordan's been pushing for the past 6 years is absolutely wild to me.
@hypno5690 3 години тому
Grow up man
@savani10 4 години тому
Jordan annoyed me in the 1st minute of this interview. This is how bad he is when he has no idea how to defend a point.